Code of Discipline in Industrial Relation


The code of discipline in industrial relation is very essential because in today’s world industrial disputes and grievances are become very common in industrial setups and these disputes not only crippling the growth of the industry but also affect the growth of the country’s economy. Here in this article, we have discussed about code of discipline in industrial relations.

To resolve the dispute and make dispute settlement more open, fair, and inclusive we need a code of discipline which mention all the does and do not activities for workers, employer, management and trade union, fine and penalty, and grievance handling mechanism that accepts by both workers and employers.

After reading this article, you will get complete knowledge about the following topics –

  • What is the code of discipline?
  • Meaning and definition of code of discipline
  • Importance of Code of Discipline
  • Objectives of the Code of Discipline

► What is the Code of Discipline in Industrial Relation?

To promote cordial relations and maintain industrial peace in an industrial setup, a Code of Discipline has been laid down which applies to both public and private sector enterprises.

This code of discipline specifies ensuring orderly and rule-based working in an organization. It imposes various obligations on the management and the workers with the objective of ensuring mutual trust and high cooperation between their representatives.

This code of discipline is considered a guide or rule book for both employers and workers to settle disputes by making use of the rule, regulations, and dispute settlement machinery mentioned in the code of discipline instead of taking arbitrary decisions on the indiscipline behavior of employees.

It is very necessary for the effective functioning of an organization while promoting justice and democratic values in the decision-making process.

Meaning of Code of Discipline

The code of discipline in industrial relation means a code of conduct of an organization that imposes many conditions or restrict indiscipline or unproductive behavior in the organization.

It upholds the orderly working of all the stakeholders in an industrial organization in accordance with all the established rules, regulations, and procedures.

Definition of Code of Discipline

Code of discipline has been defined as the act of maintaining harmonious relations and promoting industrial peace. It has been laid down which applies to both public and private sector organizations.

The code of discipline in industrial relation specifies various obligations for the management and the workers with the objective of promoting cooperation between their representatives.

Also Read : Scope of Industrial Relations

► Importance of Code of Discipline

The code of disciple is very important for the efficient and effective functioning of the organization. It provides a solid foundation for the organization day to day work.

The importance of the code of discipline is as follows-

  • It maintains and promotes long-term peace and order in the industry.
  • It promotes checks and balances at all levels of management and employment.
  • It protects the industry from unnecessary work or delay.
  • It facilitates the settlement of disputes and grievances.
  • It facilitates the free growth of trade unions which is very crucial for the protection of workers’ rights.
  • It is very essential the eliminate all forms of violations of rules and regulations governing industrial relations.
  • It discourages all unfair labor practices such as discrimination and victimization of any employee.
  • It encourages taking prompt action to settle industrial disputes and grievances and implementation of settlements, awards, decisions, and orders.
  • It discourages all indiscipline actions or acts like violence, casteism, communalism, provincialism, intimidation, or personal deformation.

► Objectives of the Code of Discipline in Industrial Relation

  • To maintain peace and rule-based order in the industry.
  • To facilitate the free growth and development of trade unions.
  • To promote industrial democracy and the democratic functioning of trade unions.
  • To promote natural justice in resolving disputes.
  • To take prompt action to implement awards, agreements, settlements, and decisions
  • To ensures the employer’s and workers’ recognization right and interest of each other’s.
  • To avoid unnecessary work stoppage in industry and the code of discipline avoid strikes and lockouts without prior notice.
  • Secure the settlement of disputes and grievances by a mutually agreed procedure.
  • It dispute settlement mechanism provided room for negotiation which avoids litigation.
  • To eliminate all forms of coercion, discrimination, and violations of rules and regulations that govern industrial relations.
  • To discourage unilateral action should be taken regarding any industrial disputes that should be settled at the appropriate level.

► Principles of Code of Discipline

The Code of Discipline is based on the following principles –

  • Workers or trade unions should not go on strike or lockout without prior notice.
  • Both sides of industrial disputes should not take any unilateral action in connection with any industrial matter.
  • Employees should not follow go slow tactic.
  • Regular review of all rules and regulations after regular intervals of time.
  • The rules or provisions mentioned in the code of discipline should focus on prevention than punishment.
  • Acts of violation, intimidation, and coercion should be clearly defined and laid down in the code of discipline.
  • The accused employees should have the right to appeal to a higher authority.
  • Well, define the procedure for the settlement of disputes.
  • Indiscipline action or behavior is punished fairly and consistently as per the code of discipline.

Provisions in the Code of Discipline in Industrial Relation

Important provisions in the Code of Discipline are as follows:-

All employees and workers’ organizations, and trade unions should voluntarily accept the ‘Code of Discipline’ applicable to the Indian Industry. Some mandatory codes of Discipline applied both to the public as well as the Private sector.

(i) To implement a proper grievance redressal procedure in every organization.

(ii) Each grievance should be promptly redressed by legal means and negotiation.

(iii) Lock-outs and strikes should be conducted after submitting an advance notice to management.

(iv) All unfair practices like negligence of duty, damage to property, and physical stress should be discouraged.

(v)  Freedom to form trade unions should be given to workers.

(vi) Management should promptly implement awards, agreements, settlements, and policy decisions.

(vii) The trade unions should function in a democratic fashion

(viii) There should be no direct, arbitrary, or unilateral action on either party.

(ix) Punishment should be proportionate to the indiscipline act.