What is Organizational Behavior? Meaning, Definition, Models


Organizational behavior refers to the investigative study of individuals and groups, and the impact of organizational structure on human behavior and the knowledge to achieve organizational objectives. Here in this article, we have explained what is organizational behavior and its meaning, definition, objectives, nature, and models.

► What is Organization?

An organization is a deliberately planned social unit, made out of at least two individuals with the capacity on a moderately constant premise to accomplish a shared objective or put forth objectives.

Based on this definition, assembling and administration firms are associations as are schools, medical clinics, chapels, military units, retail locations, police offices, and nearby, state and central government organizations.

What is Organizational Behavior?

Organizational behavior is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structures have on behavior within an organization for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness.

Employees are the most important assets for the organization. OB studies human behavior, attitude, and performance in organizations.

◉ Organizational Behavior Meaning

Organization Behavior is a combination of two words the meaning of OB can be understood by breaking it.

  • Organization: Organisations are simply groups of two or more people that share a certain set of goals and meet at regular times.
  • An organization is a collection of people who work together to achieve individual and organizational goals.
  • Behavior: This behavior occurs in the organization.

Definition of Organizational Behavior

“OB is the study of human behavior in the workplace, the interaction between people and the organization with the intent to understand and predict human behavior.”

“Organizational behavior can be defined as the study and application of knowledge about human behavior related to other elements of an organization such as structure, technology, and social systems.” – LM Prasad

“Organizational behavior is directly concerned with the understanding, prediction, and control of human behavior in organizations.” – Fred Luthans

“Organizational behavior is the study and application of knowledge about how people act within an organization. It is a human tool for human benefit. It applies broadly to the behavior of people in all types of organization.” – Newstrom and Davis

“Organizational behavior is a systematic study of the actions and attitudes that people exhibit within organizations.” – Stephen P Robins

► Concept of Organizational Behavior

Psychology, Psychological theories have helped us explain and predict individual behavior.

Many of the theories dealing with personality, attitude, learning, motivation, and stress have been applied to organizational behavior to understand work-related phenomena such as job satisfaction, commitment, absenteeism, turnover, and worker well-being.

OB is a field of study that examines the behavior of people, and groups at work, and how organizations manage them, to apply such information toward further developing associations of applying such knowledge to improve an organization.

◉ Foundation Of Organizational Behavior

  • Individual Differences
  • Perception
  • Motivated Behavior
  • Desire of involvement
  • Value of person
  • Dignity
  • Social
  • Maturity

► Objectives of Organisational Behaviour

The main objective of organizational behavior are as follows-

  • Job satisfaction
  • Ensure high productivity of employees
  • Ensure faster and more effective resolution of conflict
  • Develop a good team
  • A better understanding of human behavior
  • Assists in organizational change
  • Create a positive workplace environment
  • Ensure effective communication within the organization
  • Create future leaders for the organization

► Characteristics of Organizations

  • Have a particular objective
  • Made out of individuals
  • Goal Oriented
  • Levels of analysis
  • Human Tools
  • Satisfaction of the employee’s need

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► Nature of Organizational Behavior

  • Interdisciplinary Approach
  • An Applied Science
  • Humanistic and Optimistic
  • Situated towards hierarchical goals
  • Frameworks Approach
  • Goal Oriented
  • Human tools for human benefit
  • Fulfill employee’s needs
  • An integral part of management
  • Analysis of Behavior

1. Interdisciplinary Approach:

Organizational Behavior takes information from different teachers or subjects. The disciplines are Humanities, Physical Science, Biological Science, Social Sciences, Economics, History, Political Science, and Behavioral Sciences like Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology.

2. An Applied Science:

The fundamental goal of OB is to make use of different investigations to take care of the hierarchical issues especially connected with human conduct.

3. Humanistic and Optimistic:

The investigation of OB is humanistic as it concentrates on the person as a reasoning, feeling life form and it is hopeful as it sees the capability of man to be free, inventive, useful, and fit for contributing emphatically towards the destinations of the association.

4. Situated towards hierarchical goals:

OB coordinates individual targets towards authoritative destinations.

5. Frameworks Approach:

OB is a framework approach. It says that the authoritative conduct is impacted by the arrangement of the association overall comprising of mental variables, relational elements, bunch elements, and social and social elements.

► Scope of Organizational behavior

  • Increase job satisfaction
  • Reduce grievances
  • Effective management
  • Boost Motivation
  • Better organizational efficiency
  • Develops an ethical work environment
  • Helps in increasing the morale of the employee

► Role of Organizational Behavior

Authoritative Behavior assists administrators to understand and endorse means to direct human behavior to accomplish hierarchical targets.

◉ Understanding Human Behavior

Authoritative behavior is brought about by human conduct who acts at the individual level, relational level, bunch level, and intergroup level.

1. Individual Level:

OB concentrates on people acting with a certain goal in mind due to mental, social, social, and different elements.

2. Relational Level:

OB concentrates on that human conduct is impacted at the relational level. Whenever at least two people cooperate their conduct is impacted by one another.

3. Bunch Level:

OB concentrates on human conduct at the gathering level which is vital to work on authoritative confidence and usefulness.

4. Intergroup Level:

Intergroup connections might be of coactivity or contest. Investigation of OB assists with coordinating the intergroup conduct towards accomplishing hierarchical goals.

► Relationship of Organisational Behavior with other Discipline

Hierarchical Behavior is a social science that is based upon commitments from various conduct disciplines.

  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Social Psychology
  • Anthropology
  • Political Science

The prevailing regions are brain research, humanism, social brain research, humanities, and political theory. As we will learn, psychology commitments have been fundamentally at the miniature degree of examination; the other four disciplines have added to how we might interpret large-scale ideas, for example, association and gathering process.

1. Psychology & Organizational Behavior

Brain research is the science that looks to quantify, clarify, and here and there change the conduct of people and different creatures. Clinicians include themselves in considering and endeavoring to comprehend individual conduct.

The individuals who have contributed and keep on adding to the information on hierarchical conduct are learning scholars, character scholars, directing clinicians, and, most significantly modern and authoritative analyst.

Early modern and hierarchical analysts fretted about issues of weakness, fatigue, and different elements applicable to working circumstances that could block productive work execution.

All the more as of late, their commitments have been extended to incorporate learning, discernment, character, preparation, initiative adequacy, needs and persuasive powers, work fulfillment, dynamic cycles, execution evaluations, disposition estimation, representative determination strategies, work plans, and occupation stress.

2. Sociology & Organizational Behavior

Where clinicians center around the individual, sociologists concentrate on the social framework in which individual fills their job; that is, social science concentrates on individuals according to their kindred people.

In particular, sociologists have made their most noteworthy commitment to hierarchical conduct through their investigation of gathering conduct in associations, especially in formal and complex associations.

A portion of the areas inside hierarchical conduct that have gotten important contributions from social scientists are collective vibes, plan of workgroups, authoritative culture, formal association hypothesis, and design, authoritative innovation, interchanges, power struggle, and bury bunch conduct.

3. Social Psychology & Organizational Behavior

Social brain science is a region inside brain science, yet it mixes ideas from brain science and humanism. It focuses because of individuals on each other.

One of the significant regions getting extensive examination from social therapists has been a change, how to execute it and how to decrease obstructions to its acknowledgment.

What’s more, social therapists are making huge commitments in the space of estimating, understanding, and evolving mentalities; correspondence designs; the manners by which bunch exercises can fulfill individual requirements; and cooperative choice-making processes.

4. Anthropology & Organizational Behavior

Humanities is the review of social orders to find out with regard to individuals and their exercises.

Anthropologists’ work on societies and conditions, for example, has assisted us with understanding contrasts in basic qualities, mentalities, and conduct between individuals in various nations and inside various associations.

Quite a bit of our flow comprehension of authoritative culture, hierarchical conditions, and contrasts between public societies is the aftereffect of crafted by anthropologists or analysts utilizing their approaches.

5. Political Science & Organizational Behavior

Albeit oftentimes disregarded, the commitments of political specialists are important to the comprehension of conduct in associations.

Political theory concentrates on the conduct of people and gatherings inside a world of politics.

Explicit subjects of concern incorporate organizing of contention, allotment of force, and how individuals control power for individual personal circumstances.

► Models of Organizational Behavior

  1. Autocratic Model
  2. Custodial Model
  3. Supportive Model
  4. Collegial Model