What is Water Scarcity?


Water scarcity or water crisis occurs when the demand for water exceeds the amount available during a certain period, or when it is not good enough quality to use. Today in this article we have explained what is water scarcity what are its main causes, types, effect on humans, and solutions for how we can reduce the water crisis.

► What is Water Scarcity?

Water Scarcity and Water Crisis is a situation when available potable water within a region is less than the region’s demand.

Water scarcity affects around 2.8 billion people around the world, on all continents, at least one month out of every year and more than 1.2 billion people lack access to clean drinking water.

One-fourth of mankind faces water scarcity and water crisis every day. Water scarcity includes the possibility of running out of water, which might appear to be incomprehensible when 70% of the Earth’s surface is water.

In any case, up to 80 percent of accessible surface and groundwater is being utilized each year, and water request worldwide is projected to increment by 55% by 2050. For what reason is the world confronting an emergency of water shortage?

◉ Water Scarcity Meaning

  • Water scarcity simply means either the lack of enough water (quantity) or a lack of access to safe drinking water (quality).
  • Water Scarcity results from insufficient available freshwater resources to meet the human and environmental demands of a given area.

Definition of Water Scarcity / Water Crisis

“Water Crisis or Water Scarcity has been defined as when the available freshwater resource within a region is less than that region’s demand.”

The principal reason that is causing water pressure all over the planet is the developing human populace simultaneously as the water supply has continued as before.

Considering that there are very nearly one billion additional occupants on Earth each 15-20 years, this has prompted an ever-evolving shortfall in the worldwide water supply. The subsequent explanation is because of the lopsided centralization of the worldwide populace.

There is certifiably not an unmistakable connection between the presence of the populace in certain areas and the presence of water, as such, water isn’t the place where we need it to be without fail.

For example, there is, what we call, a ‘triangle of thirst’ from southern Spain, to Pakistan, to the Horn of Africa, and back once more. In this triangle, you have around two billion individuals in a very water-scant district.

Nearly, in the event that you go to Russia or Canada, they have more water than they need as far as the size of their populace. So this is another critical explanation we are confronting an emergency of water shortage in certain locales of the world – however not all over.

Environment [change] will be the natural product on the cake. Presently we have worldwide populace development and afterward, we will have environmental change influencing water accessibility.

Be that as it may, right now, notwithstanding, the issue for water providers and for political pioneers in the segment emergency we are confronting – not the environment.

► Types of Water Scarcity

  • Physical Water Scarcity
  • Economic Water Scarcity

✔ Physical Water Scarcity

Physical Water Scarcity is where water resource development is approaching or has exceeded unsustainable levels, it relates water availability to water demand and implies that arid areas do not necessarily water scarce.

  • In some areas lack of water is a more profound problem.
  • Physical access to water is limited.
  • The demand outstrips the land’s ability to provide the needed water.
  • Happen in a dry part of the world or arid region.

✔ Economic Water Scarcity

Economic water scarcity is where water is available locally but not accessible for human, institutional or financial capital reasons.

  • Finding reliable resources for safe drinking water is often consuming and expensive.
  • Lack of compassion and good governance allows the condition to persist.
  • Does not have the necessary money to utilize an adequate source of water.
  • An unequal distribution of resources political and ethnic conflict. etc.

► Causes of Water Scarcity/Crisis

Almost 1.2 billion individuals, as per late examinations, don’t approach safe drinking water. Water deficiencies can likewise bring about various diseases, going from food contamination to cholera.

Water deficiency is regularly brought about by two central points: rising freshwater utilization and consumption of reasonable freshwater supplies.

Besides, there are two kinds of shortage: actual shortage and financial shortage. At the point when a characteristic water supply is lacking to satisfy the requests of a particular area, an actual water deficiency happens.

A portion of the significant reasons for the Water Scarcity or Water Crisis is shared below:

  1. Overuse of water
  2. Pollution of water
  3. Conflict
  4. Drought
  5. Global Warming
  6. Groundwater pollution
  7. Deforestation
  8. Population Explosion
  9. Urbanization

◉ 1. Overuse of water

These days, the abuse of water is expanding step by step and individuals are utilizing an additional sum than required.

In specific cases water is additionally abused by individuals, creatures, land, or some other number of things, some of the time it is likewise superfluously utilized for sporting exercises with no consideration about the impacts that it might have on their general surroundings.

◉ 2. Pollution of water

Presently a day’s expansion in water contamination is a significant reason for worry, as it is a central point behind the shortage of water.

Water gets contaminated from any toxins like oil, remains synthetics, and feces. We as a whole need to zero in on this issue so we can prevent water from getting contaminated as it is our significant need.

◉ 3. Conflict

In some cases struggle present between the land causes water shortage which can obstruct the neighborhood foundation and might cause disturbances of the water supply for some individuals.

◉ 4. Drought

Drought is normal in regions that are hot and dry. As they are spots where they don’t get sufficient precipitation and this makes a deterrent to the maintainability of life.

A few regions are forever dry while certain areas endure dryness sometimes.

◉ 5. Global Warming

A dangerous atmospheric deviation is one of the significant explanations for water shortage, it is a condition where normal air temperature becomes hotter, and water from streams and lakes vanishes quicker, which might prompt the evaporating of water bodies.

Thus, one who relies upon water for their living will be one who will endure a ton in view of water shortage. So we need to work over this multitude of variables to stop this.

◉ 6. Groundwater pollution

Undesirable utilization of composts and other destructive substances can cause groundwater contamination, which at last prompts a shortage of water.

Also Read :Causes of Deforestation

► Effects of Water Scarcity/Crisis

Allow us to investigate a portion of the impacts of water shortage. One of the significant consequences of the water crisis is contamination.

For instance, on the off chance that there is lacking water for disinfection, water becomes sullied because of the section of infection-causing microscopic organisms. Indeed, this is the means by which 88% of all water-borne contaminations are spread.

Moreover, water deficiency may upset the environment’s balance. Food networks are harmed, and biodiversity endures thus. Here are a few issues recorded beneath which emerge on account of the water crisis:

  • Absence of admittance to drinking water
  • Hunger
  • Illnesses
  • Sterilization issues
  • Neediness
  • Relocation
  • Obliteration of natural surroundings
  • Loss of biodiversity

► Remedies for Water Scarcity/Crisis (Ways to Reduce)

Since we have perceived the significance and impacts of the water crisis let us investigate a portion of the variables recorded beneath by which we can decrease the water crisis:

  1. Save Water Whenever Possible
  2. Schooling
  3. Reuse Water
  4. Develop Practices Related to Farming
  5. Less Use of Chemicals in Farming
  6. Less Use of Chemicals in Farming

✔ 1. Save Water Whenever Possible

We can save water every which way like by doing water collecting, cleaning up, the utilization of clothes washers, and so forth

✔ 2. Schooling

By instructing individuals about the significance of water in our day-to-day existence, we can decrease the water shortage issue actually.

✔ 3. Reuse Water

We as a whole ought to embrace the water reusing process by rehearsing water gathering, and by utilizing different strategies. As this technique is truly successful, do lessen water shortage.

✔ 4. Develop Practices Related to Farming

As we as a whole know cultivating and water system practice is the significant explanation for water shortage. So to lessen this we as a whole need to chip away at our rural practice so we can diminish the utilization of water while doing agribusiness.

✔ 6. Less Use of Chemicals in Farming

We as a whole should quit utilizing substance composts rather than that we as a whole should utilize natural excrement.

► Facts about Water Scarcity / Crisis

  • Waterbourne diseases kill 13,000 kids a year. (The Himalayan Times, Nov 21, 2007)
  • 1 out of every 4 deaths under the age of 5 worldwide is due to a water-related disease.
  • 80% of illnesses are caused by unsafe water and sanitation condition in the world.
  • 1/4 of the global population also live in developing countries that face water shortage due to a lack of infrastructure to fetch water from rivers and aquifers.
  • More than 10% of people worldwide consume foods irrigated by wastewater that can contain chemicals or disease-causing organisms.


The water crisis is going to be a worldwide problem in the next 20 years. Till now all the research has shown that it is rising at a rate much faster than its solutions are going to be implemented.

Already children are dying in large numbers due to waterborne illnesses. Also in an indirect manner, it is destructing natural ecosystems leading to the threat of a variety of freshwater fish species. The problem can not be controlled until a viable global solution is implemented.