What is Job Satisfaction?


Job satisfaction refers to how well a job provides fulfillment of a need or want of the employee, or how well it serves as a source or means of employment. In this article, we will learn what is job satisfaction, what is its meaning, the different definitions given by the different authors, and the factors affecting it.

Job satisfaction is a term used to measure how individuals feel positively or negatively about their jobs. In current businesses, employees spend a significant amount time of their time at the workplace, so it is very important for organizations to ensure a good working environment so that employees love their job and feel satisfied with their job.

If an employee feels satisfied with the nature and content of the job then he definitely feels happy and has higher productivity and motivation.

► What is Job Satisfaction?

Job satisfaction is defined as the level to which an employee feels self-motivated, self-satisfaction, self-happiness, and contentedness with their job.

Job satisfaction refers to the positive attitude or sense of pride that an employee holds about his or her job.

◉ Job Satisfaction Meaning

  • As the famous saying goes “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”
  • In simple words, job satisfaction refers to, the positive emotional state a person exerts when a person feels that his or her job is fulfilling his all needs and wants.

If a person is dissatisfied with his or her job, not only he or she is wasting his valuable time or efforts to pursue this job but also he or she is considered a burden to the organization.

◉ Definition of Job Satisfaction given by various Authors

Job satisfaction is “a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences” – Edwin A. Locke (1976)

“Job satisfaction is an employee’s judgment of how well his job has satisfied his various needs”. – Adam Smith

Job S is a set of emotions that one feels about one’s job. – Robbins (2005)

“Job satisfaction is a feeling or affective response to facets of the situation.” – Smith, Kendall, and Hulin (1969)

Job S is defined as those feelings caused by the difference between what is expected from the job and what is actually experienced and compares this difference to alternative jobs. – Smith (1969)

Job S is the extent to which workers are happy with their jobs. – Agho, Mueller, and Price (1993)

► Importance of Job Satis-faction

Job S is very important for organizations because of these reasons.

  • It ensures higher productivity
  • Low employee turnover
  • Increase the organization’s corporate image and earn goodwill
  • Decrease in absenteeism
  • High satisfaction decreases the employee stress level
  • Improve work-life balance
  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Ensure higher revenue
  • Attract talented workforce
  • Provide competitive advantage

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► Determinants of Job Satis-faction

The important determinants of Job S. are;

  1. Organizational Determinants
  2. Personal Factors

1. Organizational Determinants

  • Level of supervision
  • working condition
  • Workload and stress level
  • Job security
  • Salary and wages
  • Chances of growth and development
  • Fringe benefits
  • Reward and recognition
  • Relationship with co-workers
  • Employer and employees relationship
  • work-life balance
  • Level of autonomy employees have

2. Personal Factor

  • Age
  • Sex
  • Education level
  • Interest and hobby

► Factors affecting Job Satis-faction

  • Nature of work
  • Organization hierarchy
  • Opportunities for growth and promotion
  • Job Characteristics
  • Leadership style of the manager
  • Level of decentralization
  • Level of employee participation in decision making
  • Relation between employer or employee
  • Coworker relation
  • Challenges
  • Organization mission and objective
  • Remuneration
  • Job security
  • Worklife balance
  • Traning and development
  • Employee attitude toward the job
  • Work pressure

► Theories of Job Satisfaction

There are several theories that help in understanding, evaluating, and measuring of job satis-faction of employees.

1. Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory

2.Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

3. Adam’s Equity Theory

4. Vroom Expectancy Theory