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Marketing Management Syllabus in MBA

Marketing Management Syllabus in MBA

Marketing Management is an important subject in management study and courses like PGDM, MBA, B.com, M.com, BBA, ..etc. Here we have shared all the topics that are in the syllabus of Marketing Management (MM) in the second semester of MBA (Master of Business Administration).

► What is Marketing Management?

Marketing management is considered as both art and science. It is the art and science of choosing target markets and then making, keeping, and increasing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value.

Definition of Marketing Management

“Marketing Management can be defined as the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, and promotion, and distribution of goods, services. And ideas to do exchanges with target groups that satisfy the customer and organizational objectives.”

Why we study Marketing Management?

  1. To evaluate marketing environment concepts and their evolution
  2. Compare and contrast among market segmentation and consumer behavior concepts
  3. To critically analyze the role and concepts of product decisions – Product life cycle, new product development, product pricing
  4. To develop the ability of pricing decisions, the channel of distribution, and physical distribution.
  5. Helps the students to analyze and develop the understanding of Legal, Ethical and Social Aspects of Marketing

► Marketing Management Syllabus

marketing management syllabus

Syllabus of Marketing Management in MBA second semester.

Subject Name: Marketing Management
Subject Code: MBAT 204
Course: MBA II Semester 2020-22
University: Uttarakhand Technical University (Dehradun, Uttarakhand)
Total Credit: 3
Internal Marks: 30
External Marks: 70
Total Marks: 100

Marketing Management in MBA (UTU Syllabus)

Note: This Marketing Management Syllabus is as per MBA Academic Session 2020-21 of Uttarakhand Technical University, UTU Dehradun. The syllabus is according to the Scheme of Examination as per AICTE Flexible Curricula.

Unit 1: Marketing Concept

(a) Marketing Management;
Nature and Scope;
Evolution of Marketing;
Selling vs Marketing;
The emerging role of marketing;
Marketing Mix.

(b) Marketing Environment:
Need for Study;
Key Elements and their Impact on Marketing Decisions.

Unit 2: (a) Consumer Behaviour

Consumer vs. Organizational/Industrial Buyer;
Their Characteristics;
Importance of understanding Consumer Behaviour;
Determinants of Consumer Behaviour;
Theories of Consumer Behaviour;
Various Buying Roles in Family;
Types of Buying Behaviour;
Consumer Decision-Making Process in Buying.

(b) Market Segmentation:
Nature and Importance of Segmentation;
Pre-requisites for Effective Segmentation;
Bases of Segmenting Consumer Markets;
Market Selection Strategies;
Consumer and Industrial Market.

Unit 3: Product Decisions

Concept of Product;
Classification of Products;
Product Line and Product Mix;
Product Support Packaging and Labeling;
Customer Services;
Development of New Product;
Product Life Cycle;
The New Product (Consumer);
Adoption Process.

Unit 4: (a) Price Decisions

Pricing as a Marketing Variable & its Role and Importance,
Price vs. Non-Price Competition;
Factors Influencing Price Determination;
Price Setting in Practice;
Price Policies and Strategies.

(b) Distribution Channels and Physical Distribution Decisions:
Why is Marketing Intermediaries Used?
Marketing Channel Functions;
Selecting Channels Distribution;
+Determining The Intensity of Distribution;
Channel Management Decisions-
Motivation and Evaluation of Individual Middlemen;
Manufacturer-Distribution Relationship;
Retailing and Wholesaling;
Logistics of Distribution.

Unit 5: (a) Promotion Decisions:

Objectives and Importance of Promotion;
Communication Process;
Promotion Mix and Methods;
Personal Selling;
Public Relations and Sales Promotion.

(b) Legal,
Ethical and Social Aspects of Marketing:
Consumer Protection Measure in India;
Recent Developments in Consumer Protection in India.

► Suggested Books & Readings

  1. Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong: Principles of Marketing, Prentice hall New Delhi
  2. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Analysis, Planning, Implementation & Control, PHI New Delhi
  3. VS Ramaswamy & S Namakumari, Marketing Management, MacMillan India New Delhi
  4. Stanton, J Shallian, and Futrell Charles: Fundamentals of Marketing, Mc Graw hill New York
  5. Rajan Saxena, Marketing Management, 3 edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2009

► MBA (II Sem) Complete Syllabus

  1. Organizational Behaviour (OB)
  2. Management Accounting (MA)
  3. Special Foundation Course (SFC)
  4. Marketing Management (MM)
  5. Financial Management (FM)
  6. Human Resource Management (HRM)
  7. Production and Operation Management (POM)
  8. Business Research Methods (BRM)