Objectives of Organizational Behavior


Organizational behavior is defined as the study of the behavior of humans in the workplace and the interaction between people and organizations. Here in this article, we have shared the objectives of organizational behavior.

► Objectives of Organisational Behavior

The main objective of organizational behavior are as follows:

  • Job Satisfaction
  • Ensure High Productivity of Employees
  • Ensure Faster and More Effective Resolution of Conflict
  • Develop a Good Team
  • A better Understanding of Human Behavior
  • Assists in Organizational Change
  • Create a Positive Workplace Environment
  • Ensure Effective Communication Within the Organization
  • Create Future Leaders for the Organization

✔ Major Objectives of Organizational Behavior

  • Work Satisfaction
  • Tracking down the Right People
  • Authoritative Culture
  • Initiative and Conflict Resolution

The associations in which individuals work affect their considerations, sentiments, and activities.

Hierarchical conduct concentrates on the instruments administering these collaborations, trying to distinguish and cultivate practices conducive to the endurance and viability of the association.

Also Read : What is Organizational Change?

Work Satisfaction

Understanding hierarchical conduct can reveal insight into the elements that can cultivate or hamper work fulfillment, for example, actual settings, authoritative prizes, and disciplines or work-bench attributes.

Work fulfillment thus can cultivate higher efficiency and diminished turnover, while giving more influence to the enlistment of top ability.

Tracking down the Right People

A boat with all sails and no anchors would flop, one with all secures and no sails would not go anyplace.

Authoritative conduct can be useful for observing the right blend of abilities and working styles expected for the accomplishment of the main job.

This can help with choosing who to remember for a group or team, as well as in choosing who to elevate to an administrative role or even the best profile for fresh recruits.

Authoritative Culture – Objectives of Organizational Behavior

As associations develop bigger, it might become challenging to keep a feeling of normal reason and solidarity of heading.

Hierarchical conduct is helpful for understanding and planning the correspondence channels and authority structures that can build up the authoritative culture.

As quickly advancing business conditions power associations to adjust, entering, for instance, into worldwide business sectors or using virtual labor forces, authoritative conduct can help with keeping an unmistakable personality without losing adaptability and versatility.

Initiative and Conflict Resolution

Playing by the book and not causing ripple effects might be fine for certain associations, however, the order and control mindset of the assembling age might become counterproductive in the information market.

Hierarchical conduct can help with encouraging initiative, proactivity, and imaginative critical thinking.

At the point when innovativeness is permitted, dissimilarity of feelings is unavoidable, yet authoritative conduct can give the initiative and exchange elements expected for transforming clashes into productive thought trades.

► Nature of Organisational Behavior

  • It is an interdisciplinary approach
  • It is an applied science
  • It is a goal-oriented approach
  • It is a human-oriented approach
  • It is a normative science
  • It follows the total system approach

► Importance of Organisational Behaviour

  • OB helps in the skill improvement of employees.
  • It helps in reducing the conflict between management and employees.
  • OB helps in developing leadership skills which help in succession planning.
  • OB plays a significant role in conflict resolution and ensures the smooth functioning of the organization.
  • It will improve the goodwill of the organization.
  • It ensures higher efficiency and productivity.
  • It helps in finding the correct motivation for the employee.