Models of Organizational Behavior


Organizational behavior is the academic study of what people do in an organization and how their behavior affects the organization’s performance. Here in this article, we have shared Models of Organizational Behavior with examples.

► Models of Organizational Behavior

The four important models of organizational behavior used by managers are-

  1. Autocratic Model
  2. Custodial Model
  3. Supportive Model
  4. Collegial Model

✔ Autocratic Model of Organizational Behavior

  • The basis of this model is the power of the boss.
  • Max Weber defined, power as, “the probability that one actor, within a social relationship, will be in a position to carry out his own will despite resistance.”

In the Autocratic Model, Managerial orientation is towards power. Managers see authority means getting things done.

Employees are expected to follow. High dependence on the boss Under the Autocratic model, employees usually give minimum performance and in turn, get minimum wages. This model is largely based on Theory X Assumption.

Also Read : Scope of Organizational Behavior

✔ Custodial Model

  • To overcome the shortcomings of the Autocratic model, the custodial model came into existence.
  • The insecurity and frustration felt by the workers under the autocratic model sometimes led to aggression towards the boss and their families.
  • To dispel this feeling of insecurity and frustration, the need was felt to develop a model which will improve employer-employee relations.
  • The custodial model was used by progressive managers.

Employees managed under an autocratic model feel insecurity and stress. The manager felt some way to develop employee relationships The managerial orientation is towards the use of money to pay benefits.

Employees hope to obtain security and benefits. Organizational dependence. Since employees are getting adequate rewards and security, they are happy. Family-managed business organization. Not suitable for mature employees.

✔ Supportive Model

  • The supportive model originated from the ‘Principles of Supportive Relationships.”
  • According to Rensis Likert, “The leadership and other processes of the organization must be such as to ensure a maximum probability that in all interactions and all relationships with the organization, each member will, in the light of his background, values, and expectations, view the experience as supportive, and one which builds and maintains his sense of personal worth and importance.”

The model depends on leadership and Supports employee job performance. The focus is primarily on the participation and involvement of employees in decision-making. Creates a sense of participation.

Manager’s role is to help employees to achieve their work rather than supervision. The manager is a coach who builds a better team. Assumption of Theory Y. Organisations with sophisticated technology and professional people can apply this model.

✔ Collegial Model

  • The collegial model is an extension of the supportive model.
  • The Dictionary meaning of collegial is a body of persons having a common purpose.
  • As is clear from the meaning, this model is based on the partnership between employees and management.

The collegial model is an extension of the supportive model. It is based on the team concept. Employee develops a high degree of understanding Shares common goals Employees need little direction and control from management. Creates a Favourable working climate. Fulfillment of Employees