What is Classical Management Theory? Define, Types, Application


An association without legitimate administration resembles a boat without a rudder. For a long time, associations of all shapes and sizes have depended on powerful administration strategies and systems to expand worker usefulness, work on functional proficiency, advance utilization of assets, accomplish hierarchical objectives, and remain in front of the opposition. let’s explore one such administration approach exhaustively the classical theory of management in the association.

► What is Classical Management Theory?

Classical Management Theory is a branch of management theory that evolved around the 19th century. It was developed during the industrial revolution when problems related to factory systems began, to recognize the role that management plays in an organization particularly focusing on the efficiency of the work process.

The classical approach of management professes the body of management thought based on the belief that employees have only economic and physical needs and that the social needs and needs for job satisfaction either do not exist or are unimportant.

Definition of Classical Theory

According to classical theory, “The company is considered as a machine and the human beings as different components parts of that machine.”

The classical theory is the traditional theory, wherein more emphasis is on the organization rather than the employees working therein.

The classical management theory is a style of the board that underscores ordered progression, specific jobs, and single authority for improved effectiveness in the working environment.

It depends on the idea that specialists need just physical and monetary necessities. It does exclude the social and occupational fulfillment of the laborers. Classical management theory has the principle intended to boost the benefit of the organization.

► Extension of Classical Theory (Types)

  • Scientific Management
  • Bureaucratic Management
  • Administrative Management

Scientific Management

Scientific Management theory is well known for its application of engineering science at the production floor or the operating levels. The major contribution of this theory is led by FW Taylor. and that is why it is known as Taylorism also.

The scientific management principles focused on improving the efficiency of each individual in the organization. The major emphasis is on increasing production through the use of intensive technology, and human beings are just considered adjuncts to machines in the performance of routine tasks.

Must Read : Scientific Management Theory (in detail)

Bureaucratic Management

The Bureaucratic theory is related to the structure and administrative process of the organization and is given by Max Weber, who is regarded as the father of bureaucracy.

◉ What is Bureaucracy?

The term bureaucracy means the rules and regulations, processes, procedures, patterns, etc. that are formulated to reduce the complexity of an organization’s functioning.

According to Max Weber, the bureaucratic organization is the most rational means to exercise vital control over the individual workers. Bureaucratic standardized principles, rules, and regulations trained administrative personnel, etc.

Administrative Management

The Administrative theory is based on the concept of departmentalization, which means the different activities to be performed for achieving the common purpose of the organization should be identified and classified into different groups or departments, such that the task can be completed effectively.

The administrative theory is given by Henry Fayol, who believed that more emphasis should be laid on organizational management and the human and behavioral factors in management. Thus, unlike scientific management theory of Taylor where more emphasis was on improving the worker’s efficiency and minimizing the task time.

Here the main focus is on how the management of the organization is structured and how well the individuals therein are organized to accomplish the tasks given to them.

Must Read : Administrative Management Theory (in detail)

► Principles of Classical Management Theory

  • Logical administration ought to be utilized to decide the most productive method for doing a task.
  • Workers are chosen to perform errands in light of their abilities and specializations.
  • Activities ought to be smoothed out however much as could reasonably be expected.
  • Choices are made by a solitary individual or by a limited handful of power figures.
  • Usefulness is the essential objective.
  • The expanded benefit is given need.

► Concepts of Classical Management Theory

The fact that implements the accompanying ideas makes besides, the Classical management theory holds that an ideal working environment one:

  • Incorporated design of authority
  • Work specialization
  • Wage motivating forces

◉ Incorporated design of authority

The classical theory of management holds that a working environment ought to be supervised by three degrees of initiative. The primary level is made up of the entrepreneurs as well as the chiefs of the organization.

These people are given the most elevated level of power and defined the drawn-out objectives of an association. The second degree of authority comprises center administration.

People viewed as center administrators are accountable for directing directors and laying out office-level objectives. The third level is made up of bosses or administrators who manage the everyday tasks of an organization.

◉ Work specialization

This idea centers around a “mechanical production system” set up inside an association. This design includes separating enormous undertakings or activities into more modest errands that are allocated to workers.

Laborers are normally liable for only one explicit undertaking to forestall performing multiple tasks and increment efficiency.

◉ Wage motivating forces

Classical management theory puts accentuation, not on representatives’ work fulfillment or social requirements yet rather on actual necessities.

This theory holds that these actual necessities can be met through pay and financial impetuses and utilization of the chance for wage increments to rouse representatives.

► Features of Classical Management

  • Classical Theory of Management is viewed as a systematic process of interrelated functions.
  • Principles of management are used as a guideline for managers.
  • Functions, principles, and managerial skills are universal.
  • Focuses on economic efficiency.
  • Employees are motivated by economic gains and other incentives.
  • The classical theory revolves around mainly its three pillars, i.e. Bureaucracy, Scientific, and Administrative Theory of management.

► Advantages of Classical Management Theory

  • Classical management theory has a reasonable design for executives.
  • It expanded the usefulness and productivity of the laborers.
  • This theory assists with making better working circumstances.
  • Classical theory expands the wages of the laborers.
  • The classical theory makes bonds between administrators and laborers.

► Disadvantages of Classical Management Theory

  • Classical management theory makes tension and weight of work among the representatives.
  • Classical management theory depends on the one most ideal way and it is appropriate to the basic association’s constructions. it doesn’t fit the present complex constructions.
  • Classical management theory centers around the singular presentation of the workers and classes them into productive and wasteful.
  • Classical management theory kills the inventiveness of the laborers and makes dissatisfaction among the representatives.

► Application of Classical Management Theory

Ways to execute the Classical management theory in your business:

If you are thinking about carrying out the classical management theory in your work environment, there are a few things you can do to expand the accomplishment of this administration style. Utilize the accompanying tips during execution:

  • Establish a standard working strategy
  • Follow through with the responsibility choice cycle in a thoughtful manner
  • Consistently give laborers incentives

◉ Establish a standard working strategy

A standard working methodology ought to be laid out for every particular errand inside the working environment. This working method ought to incorporate how much time the errand is relied upon to take as well as different objectives for each undertaking. This will guarantee that specialists have an unmistakable comprehension of their obligations and objectives while starting an errand.

◉ Follow through with the responsibility choice cycle in a thoughtful manner

Choosing the right laborers for a specific assignment is vital to guaranteeing that representatives can meet their work assumptions. Consider every laborer’s capacities and abilities and match them likewise to the most proper undertakings.

◉ Consistently give laborers incentives

Offering motivators consistently as well as giving verbal acclaim and acknowledgment to representatives performing admirably can enormously expand laborer inspiration and efficiency.