What is Scientific Management Theory? Define Taylorism Principle


The scientific management delivered progressive thoughts for the time-thoughts, for example, worker preparing and carrying out normalized accepted procedures to further develop efficiency. Taylor’s theory was called logical because to foster it, he utilized procedures acquired from botanists and scientists, like examination, perception, amalgamation, discernment, and rationale. You might choose as you read more with regards to Taylor that by the present rules he was not the laborer’s “companion.” However, Taylor should be given credit for making the idea of an association being run “as a business” or in a “systematic way,” meaning proficiently and beneficially.

► What Is Scientific Management?

Scientific Management, also known as logical administration, likewise regularly known as Taylorism, is an administration theory previously supported by Federick W. Taylor. It utilizes logical strategies to investigate the most proficient creation process to build usefulness.

◉ Who is the Father of Scientific Management?

FW Taylor is the first management thinker to introduce scientific methods of management. He launched a new movement in 1990. This is the reason Federick Winslow Taylor is known as father of scientific management.

Taylor’s Scientific Management contended it was the occupation of working environment administrators to foster the legitimate creation framework for accomplishing financial productivity. Albeit the expressions ” Scientific Management ” and “Taylorism” are normally utilized conversely, it would be more exact to say that Taylorism was the principal type of logical administration.

◉ Scientific Management Meaning

  • scientific management means scientific investigations and knowledge for the old individual judgement or opinion in all matters relating to work done in the company.
  • It implies the application of scientific methods to management of a business concern.

◉ Definition of Scientific Management

“Scientific management has been defined as knowing exactly what you want men to do and seeing that they do it in the best and the cheapest way.” – F.W. Taylor

“Scientific management refers to the application of science in all the components of management. It consists of methods, procedures, scientific tools to increase the output of the company.”

► History of Scientific Management Theory

Federick W. Taylor became enlivened to make his theory while filling in as a worker of the United States steel maker, Bethlehem Steel. It was as that steel organization he saw that the chiefs scarcely knew at least something regarding how explicit positions were performed.

He started to plan work environment tests that would impact his popular standards of the executives. One examination included improving scooping effectiveness by planning new digging tools that were enhanced for various materials. Another renowned model included utilizing a stopwatch and biomechanical investigation to compose a superior technique for laborers to convey pig iron onto railroad vehicles.

On the main day utilizing his new technique, how much pig iron the laborers had the option to move practically significantly increased. These and other time and movement studies turned into the starting points of Taylor’s theory of the executives.

Even though he’s known as the dad of logical management, Federick Taylor at first referred to his technique as “shop the executives.” He wound up taking on the expression “logical management” in 1911 after it was advocated in a legal dispute by future Supreme Court equity Louis Brandeis with the assistance of mechanical architect Henry L. Gantt.

Taylor profound 4 principles of scientific management.

  1. Science, not rule of thumb.
  2. Harmony, not discord.
  3. Cooperation not individualism.
  4. Development of workers to their efficiency and prosperity.

Now let’s discuss this principles in details.

► Principles of Scientific Management

Four principles of scientific management were given by Frederick Taylor. These principles are as yet applicable right up ’til today.

  1. Develop a science for each element of an individual’s work. replacing the old rule of thumb method.
  2. Select, train, teach and develop the skills of the individuals.
  3. Cooperate with the workers to ensure work is done in accordance with science-based principles.
  4. Divide work and responsibility between management pursues work for better suited to their skill set.

◉ 1. Replacing the rule of thumb by scientific methods.

Select strategies in light of science, not “basic guidelines.”

Rather than permitting every individual laborer the opportunity to utilize their own “general guideline” technique to finish a responsibility, you ought to rather utilize the logical strategy to decide the “one most ideal way” to do the work.

◉ 2. Selecting Training, Teaching, and develop the workmen.

Relegate laborer’s occupations in light of their aptitudes

Rather than haphazardly relegating laborers to any openwork, a survey which ones are generally prepared to do every particular work and train them to work at top productivity.

◉ 3. Division of work and responsibility.

Screen laborer execution

Survey your laborers’ effectiveness and give extra guidance when important to ensure they are working gainfully.

◉ 4. Cooperation between management and workers.

Appropriately split the responsibility among management and workers. Management should plan and prepare, while workers should carry out what they’ve been prepared to do.

► 14 Principle of Management

Henry Fayol known as the Father of modern management. He provided a list of 14 principles in his book “Industrial and General Administration in 1916 which is based on his personal experience in industry.

  1. Division of work
  2. Authority and Responsibility
  3. Discipline
  4. Unity of command
  5. Unity of direction
  6. Subordination of personal/individual interests to the general interest.
  7. Remuneration
  8. Centralization
  9. Scalar chain
  10. Order
  11. Equity
  12. Stability of tenure of personnel
  13. Initiative
  14. Esprit de corps

Must Read :14 Principle of Management (in detail)

► Objectives of Scientific management

  1. To determine industrial and market trends.
  2. To provide employment security to the employees.
  3. To obtain better profits gain
  4. To improve the stands of living of the employees
  5. To increase job satisfaction
  6. To provide more opportunity
  7. To motivate workers
  8. To build individual character of the employee
  9. To promote equity and justice
  10. To create good working environment

1. To determine industrial and market trends.

Modern and market patterns help and guarantee consistent tasks and work the fundamental for the food of any undertaking

2. To provide employment security to the employees.

Logical administration depends on the brilliant guideline ‘Work is love’ and through this intrigues, laborers construct their personality through their legitimate work execution.

3. To obtain better profits gain

Limiting squanders while utilizing logical methods and getting useful utilization of HR and material outcomes in expanded benefits for the worry which they readily share with their representatives via upgraded wages to them.

4. To improve the stands of living of the employees

Upgraded pay to the laborers prompts improvement in their way of life.

5. To increase job satisfaction

Because of the expanded pay and their superior way of life, this removes generally throbbing variables from their psyches and they come to lead a superior satisfied, and more joyful life.

6. To provide more opportunity

It is the goal of logical administration to let the representatives feel fulfilled and quiet such a long way as the states of their work are concerned.

7. To motivate workers

Logical administration through its ‘Occupation examination methods offers the most elevated open door to an individual, contingent upon a person’s ability, for work and progression through preparation and improvement.

8. To build individual character of the employee

With the deliberate preparation and calculated guidelines that help the improvement of new and higher limits, the logical administration inspires and makes, an inclination inside the laborer’s brains for arriving at the higher stepping stool and advancement.

9. To promote equity and justice

With purposeful work details and ability methods, the logical administration helps create sensations of confidence and self-confidence in the specialists.

10. To create good working environment

A climate accused of examination and assessment liberated from any power pressures as given by logical administration helps in the improvement of their character perspectives and practices.

► Disadvantages of Scientific Management Theory

  • Requires huge capital
  • Planning reduces productivity
  • Not suitable for teams
  • Work division
  • Planning reduces productivity
  • Avoids bargaining

Taylor’s standards worked well for routine undertakings, for example, sequential construction systems or creation offices. These standards didn’t work also in associations where information and independent direction are focal at each level of the worth conveyance process. This is especially valid for administration-based (rather than item-based) enterprises.

Further, Taylor’s standards earned huge analysis for their impact on specialists. Many contended that it regarded people as pack animals, dehumanizing them. It regularly prompts helpless working circumstances in which managers received more prominent rewards while representatives acquired tiny expansions in remuneration.

While the logical theory zeroed in solely on proficiency, it did essentially nothing to comprehend the representative or to foster the administrator as a pioneer. Normally, these inadequacies lead to ensuing developments in the Management theory.