Home Management Business Research Method Syllabus in MBA

Business Research Method Syllabus in MBA

Business Research Method Syllabus in MBA

Business Research Method, in short, BRM is an important subject in management study and courses like PGDM, MBA, B.com, M.com, BBA, ..etc. Here we have shared all the topics that are in the syllabus of Business Research Method in the second semester of MBA (Master of Business Administration).

► What is Business Research Method?

It can be defined as an organized, systematic, data-based, critical, objective, scientific inquiry or investigation into a specific problem, undertaken with the purpose of finding answers or solutions to it.

BRM Definition

Business research is a systematic investigation and process of gathering, recording, and analyzing data for making good business decisions.

Business Research Method is a field of study in which management students learn various research methods. All the topics in the syllabus of the Business Research Method are shared in this article.

Why we study Business Research Method?

  1. To understand the purpose of research.
  2. To identify and understand unrealized empirical and analytical problems plaguing the research process and ways to overcome them.
  3. To identify the business problems and translate them into a research question, and design an appropriate way.
  4. To develop an understanding of various kinds of research, objectives of doing research, research process, research designs, and sampling.
  5. To have adequate knowledge of measurement & scaling techniques as well as the quantitative data analysis and hypothesis testing procedures.

► Business Research Method Syllabus

business research methods syllabus

Syllabus of Business Research Method in MBA.

Subject Name: Business Research Method
Subject Code: MBAT 208
Course: MBA II Semester 2020-22
University: Uttarakhand Technical University (Dehradun, Uttarakhand)
Total Credit: 3
Internal Marks: 30
External Marks: 70
Total Marks: 100

Business Research Method in MBA (UTU Syllabus)

Note: This BRM Syllabus is as per MBA Academic Session 2020-21 of Uttarakhand Technical University, UTU Dehradun. The syllabus is according to the Scheme of Examination as per AICTE Flexible Curricula.

Unit 1: Introduction to Business Research Method

Concept of BRM,
Nature of BRM,
Scope BRM,
Need and Role of Business Research,
Characteristic of Research,
Types of Research,
the Research Process: An overview.

Unit 2: Research Design

Concept of Research Design,
Types of Research Design,
Including Exploratory,
Descriptive and Experimental,
Research Design Process.

Unit 3: Questionnaire Design and Schedule

Concept of Questionnaire and Schedule,
Principles of Designing Questionnaire and Schedule,
Limitations of Questionnaire,
Reliability Validity of Questionnaire.

Unit 4: Sampling Theory

Need and Importance of Sampling,
Types of Sampling Methods,
Sampling and Non-Sampling Errors,
Sample Design,
Determinants of Sample Size,
Steps in Designing the Sample.

Unit 5: Data Analysis

Tabulation and Processing of Data,
Basic Aspects of Statistical Inference Theory and Hypothesis Testing,
Type I and Type II Errors,
Applications of T-Test,
Chi-square Test and ANOVA,
Introduction to Computerized Statistical Packages.

► Suggested Books & Readings

  1. William G. Zikmund: Business Research Methods, 2011-12
  2. Cooper and Schindler: Business Research Methods, Tata Mc Graw-Hill, 2011
  3. Mark Saunders: Research Methods for Business: Pearson Education, 2010
  4. Cooper and Schindler: Business Research Methods, 10th edition, New Delhi
  5. C.R. Kothari, (2004): Research Methodology – Methods, 2nd edition. New Age Publications.
  6. Anil K. Mishra (2012). A Hand-Book of Research in SPSS, 1st edition. Himalayan Publishing, House, Mumbai
  7. Field, A. (2013). Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS. 4th edition, Sage Publications London.

► MBA (II Sem) Complete Syllabus

  1. Organizational Behaviour (OB)
  2. Management Accounting (MA)
  3. Special Foundation Course (SFC)
  4. Marketing Management (MM)
  5. Financial Management (FM)
  6. Human Resource Management (HRM)
  7. Production and Operation Management (POM)
  8. Business Research Methods (BRM)