Marketing Research Syllabus for MBA – UTU Dehradun


Marketing Research is a subject in management study and courses like PGDM, MBA,,, BBA, ..etc. Here we have shared all the topics that are in the syllabus of Marketing Research in the third semester of MBA (Master of Business Administration).

First of all, let’s discuss the basic things like what is Marketing Research, the definition of Marketing Research and its objectives, and why we study Marketing Research. And at the last, we have shared all the units that we study in the Marketing Research syllabus.

What is Marketing Research?

Marketing research refers to the systematic gathering, recording, and analysis of data about problems about the marketing of goods and services.

Marketing research provides data organizations need to identify and reach their target market at the price customers are willing to pay.

Definition of Marketing Research

Marketing research is a systematic problem analysis, model building, and fact-finding for the purpose of improved decision making and control in the marketing of goods and services. – Phillip Kotler

Marketing Research is the systematic gathering, recording, and analysis of data about problems relating to the marketing of goods and services. – American Marketing Association

► Objective: Why do we study?

  • To define the probable market for a particular product.
  • To find out general market conditions and tendencies.
  • To assess competitive strengths and policies using SWOT analysis.
  • To indicate the distribution methods best suited to the product and market.
  • To study consumer behavior and get feedback using surveys.

►Marketing Research Syllabus

Syllabus of Marketing Research in Masters of Business Administration – 2 Year.

Subject Name: Marketing Research
Subject Code: MBAT 324
Course: MBA III Semester 2020-21
University: Uttarakhand Technical University
Total Credit: 3
Internal Marks: 30
External Marks: 70
Total Marks: 100

Note: This Marketing Research syllabus is as per MBA Academic Session 2020-21 of Uttarakhand Technical University, UTU Dehradun. New Examination Scheme as per AICTE Flexible Curricula.

Unit 1 – Introduction

Importance and Role of research in Marketing;
the marketing research industry;
Approaches to Marketing intelligence.
Types of Market research;
research approaches;
significance of Market research,
Market research process,
criteria of good marketing research,
problems encountered by marketing research in India.

Unit 2

Marketing Research Design
Research design- Pre-test,
Control group and Solomon four-group design,
Causal Research;
observation techniques,
experiments and test markets.

Unit 3

Data Collection
Primary and secondary data;
Questionnaire Design and issues;
Comparative and non-comparative attitude measurement scaling techniques,
sampling design:
Sampling procedure,
types of sampling,
sample size determination.

Unit 4

Data Analysis and Interpretation
Analyzing qualitative data collected through interviews and
open-ended questions –
salient features of different methods.
Non-parametric tests:
One Sample tests
( Kolmogorov-Smirnov One-Sample Test;
Runs test for Randomness;
One Sample Sign Test;
chi-square test);
Two Sample tests (Sign test;
Median test;
Mann-Whitney U test;
Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed Rank test);
K Sample tests
(Median test;
Kruskal-Wallis Test);
Multidimensional Scaling,
Discriminant analysis.

Unit 5

Reporting the Results and
Ethical Issues in Marketing Research
Preparing Marketing research reports and
written report,
format of the report,
common problems in preparing reports,
the critical nature of the report,
Graphical presentation of reports.
Ethical Issues:
Ethical issues related to clients,
questionnaire design,

Suggested Readings

  • Naresh K Malhotra, Satyabhushan Dash, (2009). Marketing Research- An Applied Orientation, 5/e, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
  • Donald S. Tull, Del I. Hawkins, (2009). Marketing research –Measurement & Method, PHI Private Limited, NewDelhi.
  • Donald R. Cooper, Pamela S Schindler, (2007). Marketing Research-Concepts and Cases. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, NewDelhi.
  • Hair, Bush, Ortinau, (2006). Marketing Research, 3/e, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, NewDelhi.
  • Nigel Bradley, (2007). Marketing research –Tools and Techniques. Oxford University Press, New Delhi.

Syllabus for Other Subjects (MBA 3rd Sem)