Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory (5 Levels Explained with Examples)


Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a theory of Motivation which is given by American psychologist Abraham Maslow. Here we have shared all the 5 levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs with examples.

American psychologist Abraham Maslow published a paper named “A Theory of Human Motivation” in 1943. In this paper, he estimated that human motivation and direction are undergirded by an order of mental necessities.

After the popularity of this paper, he published a book titled Motivation and Personality in 1954. Maslow recommended in this book that the five levels of needs structure in “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs” is the reason for human social motivation.

► What Is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?

Abraham Maslow first introduced the idea of a hierarchy of needs in his paper named “A Theory of Human Motivation in 1943 and again in his book named “Motivation and Personality”. This ordered progression proposes that individuals are persuaded to satisfy essential needs before continuing to other, further developed individual needs.

While a portion of the current schools of thought at the time-such as psychoanalysis and behaviorism-would in general zero in on dangerous practices, Maslow was focused on finding out with regards to how causes individuals are blissful and the things they accomplish that point.

As a humanist, Maslow accepted that individuals truly want to be self-completed, that is, to be everything they can be. To accomplish this extreme objective, in any case, various more fundamental needs should be met. This incorporates the requirement for food, wellbeing, love, and self-regard.

◉ Interpretation of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is represented as a pyramid with the more basic needs of the bottom level, Psychological needs in the middle level, and Self-fulfillment needs are at the highest level.

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

◉ How many levels are in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?

There are five different levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

  1. Physiological needs
  2. Security and Safety needs
  3. Love and Belonging needs
  4. Esteem needs
  5. Self-actualization needs

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Maslow accepted that these needs are like impulses and assume a significant part in inspiring conduct. Everybody starts from the bottom level and after fulfilling the needs required at that level, they go upward level and then work towards achieving the needs of that level.

✔ 1. Physiological Needs

The first of the id-driven lower needs on Maslow’s order are physiological needs or needs. These are the most fundamental human essential needs to incorporate food and water, shelter, home, adequate rest, dress and haven, by and large wellbeing, and proliferation.

Maslow states that these fundamental physiological necessities should be addressed before people continue to a higher degree of satisfaction.

Examples of physiological needs

  • Food
  • Water
  • Relaxing
  • Homeostasis

✔ 2. Security and Safety Needs

As we climb to the second level of Maslow’s order, the needs begin to turn into somewhat more complicated. At this level, the need for security and wellbeing become essential.

Individuals need control and request in their lives. Thus, the requirement for wellbeing and security contributes generally to practices at this level.

Examples of Security and Safety Needs

A portion of the essential security and wellbeing needs include:

  • Monetary, Job Security
  • Wellbeing and health
  • Wellbeing against mishaps and injury

Getting a new line of work, obtaining health insurance and medical services, contributing cash to an investment account, and moving into a more secure area are largely instances of activities inspired by security and wellbeing needs.

✔ 3. Love and belonging Needs

The social needs on the third level of Maslow’s progressive system connect with the human association and are the remainder of the purported lower needs. Among these needs are companionships and family bonds-both with natural family (guardians, kin, youngsters) and picked family (mates and accomplices). Physical and passionate closeness going from sexual connections to imply enthusiastic bonds are critical to accomplishing a sensation of raised family relationship. Furthermore, enrollment in gatherings adds to addressing this need, from having a place with a group of colleagues to manufacturing a character in an association, club, or gathering of specialists.

Examples of love and belongings needs:

  • Fellowships
  • Heartfelt connections
  • Family
  • Gatherings
  • Local gatherings
  • Temples and strict associations

✔ 4. Esteem Needs

The higher needs, starting with regard, are inner self-driven needs. The essential components of regard are self-esteem (the conviction that you are important and meriting respect) and confidence (trust in your true capacity for self-awareness and achievements). Maslow explicitly divides into two types: regard which depends on regard and affirmation from others, and regard which depends on your self-improvement. Fearlessness and autonomy originate from this last option sort of confidence.

Examples of Esteem Needs

A portion of the things that fulfill this need include:

  • Regard
  • Self-improvement

✔ 5. Self-actualization Needs

Self-realization portrays the satisfaction of your maximum capacity personally. Now and again called self-satisfaction needs, self-realization needs possess the most noteworthy spot on Maslow’s pyramid.

Examples of Self-actualization needs

  • Desire to become the most that one can be
  • Achieving one’s full potential
  • Acceptance of facts
  • Lack of prejudice, problem-solving
  • Spontaneity
  • Morality

Self-actualization or Self-completion needs incorporate instruction, ability improvement the refining of gifts in regions like music, games, plan, cooking, and cultivating focusing on others, and more extensive activities like learning another dialect, heading out to new spots, and winning honors.

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► Effect of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs

No matter what these reactions, Maslow’s progressive system of needs addresses part of a significant shift in psychology. Rather than zeroing in on unusual conduct and advancement, Maslow’s humanistic psychology was zeroed in on the improvement of solid people.

There has been moderately little examination supporting Maslow’s theory, yet the hierarchy of needs is notable and famous both all through brain science. Furthermore, in a study published in 2011, analysts from the University of Illinois set off to put this pecking order to the test.

What they found is that, while the fulfillment of the needs was firmly associated with happiness, individuals from societies all around the world detailed that self-completion and social needs were significant in any event, when a large number of the most fundamental needs were unfulfilled.

Such outcomes propose that while these needs can be strong inspirations of human conduct, they don’t take the various leveled structure that Maslow portrayed.