Organisational Behaviour Syllabus in MBA


Organisational Behaviour, in short, OB is an important subject in management study and courses like PGDM, MBA,,, BBA, ..etc. Here we have shared all the topics that are in the syllabus of Organisational Behaviour (OB) in the second semester of MBA (Master of Business Administration).

What is Organisational Behaviour?

Organisation behaviour (OB) helps in predicting human behaviour in an organisation, it sets a clear distinction between individual behaviour and group behaviour.

Organisational behaviour does not provide solutions to all complex behaviour problems of organisations. It is used as a human tool by which a manager deals with a specific issue and solve the problem.

Definition of Organisational Behaviour

“Organisational Behaviour is a study of human behaviour in the workplace or organisations.”

“The study of the factors that affect how individuals and groups act in organisations and how organisations manage their working environment.”

► Why we study Organisational Behaviour?

We study organisational behaviour in order to learn about all kind of behaviour of humans in an organisation.

More precisely, organisational behaviour serves mainly following purposes;

  1. What are the causes of individual behaviours?
  2. Why particular antecedents affect behaviour?
  3. Identify the antecedents of behaviour that can be controlled and which are beyond the control?

Organisational behaviour helps an individual to develop more polished and practicable sets of the assumption that is directly relevant to his work interactions.

Organizational behaviour supports decisions and judgments that are derived from tenable assumptions;

  • The judgment that identifies the important variables underlying the situation;
  • The Judgement that is assigned due to recognition to the complexity of individual or group behaviour;
  • The Judgement explicitly takes into account the managers own goals, values, emotions, blind spots and weaknesses.

► Organisational Behaviour Syllabus

organisational behaviour syllabus

Syllabus of Organisational Behaviour in MBA.

Subject Name: Organisational Behaviour
Subject Code: MBAT 201
Course: MBA II Semester 2020-22
University: Uttarakhand Technical University (Dehradun, Uttarakhand)
Total Credit: 3
Internal Marks: 30
External Marks: 70
Total Marks: 100

OB Syllabus in MBA (UTU, Dehradun)

Note: This Organizational Behaviour (OB) Syllabus is as per MBA Academic Session 2020-21 of Uttarakhand Technical University, UTU Dehradun. The syllabus is according to the Scheme of Examination as per AICTE Flexible Curricula.

Unit 1: Introduction

Conceptual Foundation of Organisational Behaviour;
Nature and Characteristics;
Contributing Disciplines;
Challenges and Opportunities for Organisational Behaviour,
Models and Approaches of Organizational Behaviour,
OB and Emotional Intelligence.

Unit 2: (a) Perception, Attitude, and Values:

Factors Influencing Perception;
Attribution Theory of Perception;
Issues Involved in Perception:
Selective Perception,
Halo Effect,
Contrast Effect,
Concept of Pygmalion Effect;
an overview of Emotions and feelings,
Beliefs and Attitudes with Managerial Implications.

(b) Learning:

Theories of Learning:
Social Learning,
Managerial Implication of Learning Theories.

(c) Motivation:

Major Theories and Process of Motivation:
Maslow’s Need-Hierarchy Theory;
Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory;
Mcgregor’s Theory X and Theory Y;
Cognitive Evaluation Theory;
Goal-Setting Theory;
Reinforcement Theory;
ERG Theory;
Vroom’s Expectancy Theory;
Job Design Theory;
Equity Theory;
Integrating Contemporary Theories of Motivation;
Culture-Boundedness of Motivation Theories;
Managerial Implications of Various Theories;
Linking Recognition Programmes and Reinforcement Theory;
Linking Employee Involvement Programmes and Motivation Theories.

Unit 3: (a) Personality:

Concept and Determinates;
Types and Traits;
Major Personality Attributes Influencing Organizational Behavior;
Locus of Control;

(b) Self-Esteem;

Proactive Personality
Personality and National Culture;
Holland’s Typology of Personality and Congruent Occupations.

(c) Leadership:

Concept and Functions;
Style and Theories of Leadership:
Behavioural and Situational/Contingency Groups of Theories;
Inspirational approaches to Leadership;
Charismatic Leadership,
Transformational Leadership, and
Transactional Leadership,
Contemporary Leadership Roles;
Challenges to the Leadership Construct;
Substitutes and Neutralizers to Leadership.

(d) Stress:

Consequences and sources;
Stress Management:

Unit 4: (a) Group Behaviour:

Groups: Concept and Classification;
Stages of Group Development;
Group Structure;
Roles and Norms;
Premise and Issues;
Group Decision-Making:
Group vs Individual;
Groupthink and Groups Shift;
Group Decision Making Techniques and Process.

(b) Interpersonal Relationships:

Understanding Self and Others;
Developing Interpersonal Relationships;
Transactional Analysis;
Johari Window.

(c) Conflict Management:

Management of Conflicts.

Unit 5: (a) Organisation Power and Politics:

Sources and Classification;
Power Tactics;
Organisational Politics:
Concept and People’s Response to Organisational Politics,
The Concept of Impressing Management.

(b) Organisational Culture:

Dominant Culture;
Strong vs Weak Cultures ;
Creating and Sustaining Culture;
Employees Learning of The Culture;
Creating a Customer-Responsive Culture.

(c) Organisational Changes:

Concept and Forces for Change;
Managing Planned Changes;
Resistance to Change;
Approaches to Manage Organisational Change;
Organisational Development;
Culture-Boundedness of Managing the Change.

► Course Outcomes (COs)

  • To apply the conceptual foundation and theories of organizational behaviour.
  • To develop a good working environment for an individual for the smooth running of the organisation.
  • To analyse inefficiency and weakness in individual and apply various measures to improve it in the organisation.
  • To analyze how to develop coordination and teamwork in the organisation.
  • To apply how to use organisation power and politics in an effective manner.

► Suggested Books & Readings

  1. Robbins, SP Stephen P, Timothy Judge and Nehasika Vohra, Organisational Behaviour, 12th or 16th edition, Pearson Education, 2011.
  2. Fred Luthans, Organisational Behaviour, 11th edition, Mc Graw Hill,2009.
  3. W. Newstrom, John, Organisational Behaviour,10th edition, Tata Mc Graw –Hill 2009.
  4. Paul Heresy, Kenneth H. Blanchard, and Dewey E. Johnson, Management of Organisational Behaviour: Leading Human Resources, 2008.
  5. Dr SS Khanka, Organisational Behaviour, S. Chand & Co, New Delhi, 2008.
  6. Sanghi Seema, Organisational Behaviour, Pearson, 2011

► MBA (2nd Sem) Complete Syllabus

  1. Organizational Behaviour (OB)
  2. Management Accounting (MA)
  3. Marketing Management (MM)
  4. Financial Management (FM)
  5. Human Resource Management (HRM)
  6. Production and Operation Management (POM)
  7. Business Research Methods (BRM)
  8. Special Foundation Course (SFC)