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What is Organizing in Management?

What is Organizing in Management?

Organizing is one of the prominent functions of management. The success or failure of an organization depends on how efficient and perfect the organizational structure have when it comes to assigning human resources, managing working relationships, and organizing the enterprise task. In this article, in detail we will learn about what is organizing in management, its meaning and different definition given by different authors, the importance of organizing, the objective of organizing, and most importantly the principle of organizing.

► What is Organizing in Management?

Organizing is one of the five important functions of management. Oganizationing as a function of management deals with developing and maintaining the organizational structure and ensuring the effective allocation of human resources in order to accomplish the organization’s goals.

◉ Organizing Meaning in Management

Organizing is a basic and crucial function of management that synchronize and combine the human, physical and financial resources, implement the plan by clarifying organizational objectives, grouping different activities, assigning role and responsibility, and ensuring a positive working environment.

Organizing simply means the arrangement of all the organizational activities to ensure the proper functioning of the organization. It is one of the important functions of management after planning.

Definition of Organizing in Management

Following are some popular definitions of organizing:

“Organising is the establishment of authority relationships with provisions for coordination between them, both vertically and horizontally in the enterprise structure”. – Koontz and O ‘Donnell

“Organising is the process of identifying and grouping the work to be performed, defining and delegating the responsibility and authority and establishing a pattern of relationship for the purpose of enabling people to work most effectively to accomplish the objective”. – Louis A. Allen

“Organising is the process of defining and grouping the activities of the enterprise and establishing authority relationships among them” – Theo Haimman

“Organising is the process of identifying and grouping the work to be performed, defining and delegating responsibility and authority, and establishing relationships for the purpose of enabling people to work most effectively together in accomplishing objectives”. – Louis Allen

“To organize a business is to provide it with everything useful to its functioning: raw materials, machines and tools, capital and personnel”. – Henry Fayol

► Need and Importance of Organizing

  • Facilitate specialization
  • Ensure effective administration
  • Cluster(group) similar jobs into units
  • Ensure better coordination between employees and different department
  • Help in the adoption to change and technology
  • Define the individual role and responsibility
  • Define the authority of a manager
  • Optimum use of human resource
  • Facilitate growth and development
  • Aids productivity and job satisfaction
  • Establishes effective channels of communication
  • Help in the division of work
  • Development of personnel

► Objectives of Organizing in Management

The important objective of organizing functions are:

  • It helps to achieve organizational goals and objectives
  • It ensures the optimum utilization of resources
  • It ensures an effective organizational structure
  • It facilitates the other function management such as planning, staffing, directing, and control
  • It facilitates the growth and diversification

► Process of Organizing

Following are the step in the process of organizing the function of management-

  • Identification and division of work
  • Departmentalization
  • Assignment of duties
  • Establishing report relationship

Also Read : What is Staffing?

► Principles of Organizing

The organizing principles which are mostly used by organizations are

  • Principle of unity of objective
  • Principle of  work specialization
  • Scalar chain principle
  • Principle of the division of work
  • Principle of chain in command
  • Span of control
  • Scalar chain

✔ Principle of Unity of Objective

The principle of unity of objective is crucial for an organization’s success, therefore organization clearly define its goals and objective at all organizational level, in each department, and even in each position.

If there is any ambiguity related to organizational goals and objective existing at various level of the organization, then the organization never accomplish its aim.

✔ Principle of Work Specialization

According to the work specialization principle, the organization’s tasks are divided into separate jobs so that each employee is trained to do a specific task in a more efficient and effective manner. If an employee performs a specific job it becomes an expert.

✔ Span of Control Organizing in Management

The span of control principle means how many numbers of employees or subordinates a manager or senior can effectively supervise.

A number of spans of control depend on the nature of work, the capabilities of both managers and workers, and the degree of automation that exists in the organization.

✔ Delegation of Authority

The principle of  delegation of authority means that the organization should delegate authority at all levels of the organization in such a way that

✔ Scalar Chain Principle Organizng in Management

The scalar chain principle is also known as the chain of command principle. It tells us about the well-established hierarchy of the organization from top to bottom level. It makes it clear who will report to whom which is very important for effective communication and decision-making.

✔ Principle of Unity of command

The principle of unity of command means that each subordinate should have only one boss and only this boss and he or she should follow.

✔ Principle of Coordination

The coordination among various departments for different activities is very crucial for achieving the organization’s aim. If there is a lack or absence of coordination it leads to chaos and contradiction of objectives.

✔ Principle of Scalar Chain 

The principle of the scalar chain suggests an unbroken line of authority from the top level to the lowest level of an organization. It is very important for information to flow from top to bottom level.