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business communication

Business Communication: Definition, Functions, Types & Process

Business Communication is the act or process of transferring information from one person to another person, and every communication involves at least one sender, a message, or a receiver. Here in this article, we...
Administrative Management

Administrative Management: Meaning, Principles, Theory & Advantages

Administrative Management theory tries to find a rational way to design an organization as a whole. This theory formulates administrative structure, a clear division of labor, and delegation of authority to administrators relevant to...
Centralization and Decentralization

Centralization And Decentralization: Difference, Advantage & Disadvantage

Centralization and Decentralization are the two different ways of an organizational system used in various sectors such as government offices, corporate, private sectors, firms, and multi-national companies.In order to find out which is more...
What is Scientific Management Theory

What is Scientific Management Theory? Define Taylorism Principle

The scientific management delivered progressive thoughts for the time-thoughts, for example, worker preparing and carrying out normalized accepted procedures to further develop efficiency. Taylor's theory was called logical because to foster it, he utilized...
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory (5 Levels Explained with Examples)

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a theory of Motivation which is given by American psychologist Abraham Maslow. Here we have shared all the 5 levels of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs with examples.American psychologist Abraham...
What is Hawthorne Experiment theory

What is Hawthorne Experiment? Theory by Elton Mayo, 4 Phases

Hawthorne experiments were designed to study how different aspects of the work environment, such as lighting, the timing of breaks, and the length of the workday, had an on worker productivity. Here in this...
what is Classical Management Theory

What is Classical Management Theory? Define, Types, Application

An association without legitimate administration resembles a boat without a rudder. For a long time, associations of all shapes and sizes have depended on powerful administration strategies and systems to expand worker usefulness, work...
Evolution of Management Thought Theories with Examples

Evolution of Management Thought: Theories with Examples

There is a long history behind the evolution of management thought. Understanding the evolution of management thought is significant as it figures out what management principles and practices turn out best for your group...
17 Course of Classical French Menu

“French Menu” 17 Classical Course with Examples, Food Ideas

The French classical menu consists of a 17-course menu. According to the main ingredients used in the preparation, method of cooking, taste, and texture the dishes are arranged. Each category is termed a menu...
what are mother sauces and derivatives

What are Mother Sauces? Meaning, Derivatives, Types, Name List

Mother sauces were given by chef Auguste Escoffier in the 1800s. These days French cooking regularly utilizes this mother sauce. Any cook who needs to improve his cooking expertise should dominate all six mother...