What is Group Dynamics?


Group dynamics is the study of groups and is also a general term for group processes. Today in this article we have shared about Group Dynamics and its importance in an organization.

After reading this article, you will definitely learn about

  • What are group dynamics and their meaning
  • Various definitions by given by different authors.
  • Importance of group dynamics
  • Stages of group dynamics
  • Types of group
  • Principle of group dynamics

► What is Group Dynamics?

Group dynamics is concerned with the formation and structure of groups and the way they affect individual members, other groups, and the organization.

Group dynamics is the study of the force of interaction between group members. It involves the analysis of factors that are responsible for the creation and functioning of the group.

✔ Meaning of Group Dynamics

  • Group dynamics is made up of two words, Group and Dynamics whereas
  • The word Group means a collection of two or more individuals
  • The word Dynamics comes from a Greek word mean­ing force.

Therefore group dynamics in basic language refers to the study of forces operating within a group.

✔ Definition of Group Dynamics

“Group dynamic refers to changes that may occur in any part of the group and bring out actions and reactions in the group structure that affects group members” – Kurt Lewin

► Stages of Group Development

The group development has the following five stages –

  1. Forming
  2. Storming
  3. Norming
  4. Performing
  5. Adjourning

✔ 1. Forming

This is the first stage of group forming. In this stage, members get to know each other and have excitement, nervousness, and anxiety.

This stage group required strong direction and guidance.

✔ 2. Storming

This is the second stage of a group called storming. In this stage, members engage in conflict and power struggles.

✔ 3. Norming

This is the third stage of the group called norms. In this stage member show cooperation, unity and integration.

✔ 4. Performing

This is the fourth stage of group performance. This stage is characterized by overall synergy, focus on the goal,  high productivity, and efficient performance.

✔ 5. Adjourning

This is the last stage of group adjourning. In this stage, groups adjourn only upon the completion of the task or the achievement of the goal.

Also Read : What are Smart Goals?

► Importance of Group Dynamics

  • Group dynamism helps in bringing changes to the ideas, attitudes, and perceptions of individuals therefore organizations easily bring a positive change in individual thinking.
  • Group cohesion and cooperation can result in higher productivity and faster completion of tasks.
  • Moreover, a group will not be able to function to its fullest without the coordination and belongingness that the members feel.
  • It promotes the feeling of belongingness among the group members.
  • It ensures a low turnover of employees because they have an emotional attachment to the group.
  • Group dynamism help in increasing the motivation level of the employees.
  • Group performance always outperforms individual performance.
  • The group provides a huge opportunity for learning because a group is consist of members who are masters in different skills that help in increasing the skill inventory of the other.

► Types of Group

Group is divided into two categories which are further divided into subcategories.

  1. Formal Group
  2. Informal Group

✔ 1. Formal Group Dynamics

    • Command Group
    • Task Group

◉ Command Group

Command groups are formed by organizations which proper structure, rules, and norms and often consist of a supervisor and the subordinates that report to that supervisor.

◉ Task Group

Task groups are also commonly referred to as task forces. They consist of people who work together to achieve a common task. Members are brought together to accomplish goals within a specified time period.

✔ 2. Informal Group Dynamics

    • Interest Group
    • Friendship Group

◉ Interest Group

Members of interest groups may not be part of the same organizational department but they are bound together by some other common interest.

◉ Friendship Group

Friendship groups are formed by members who have similar attributes. and they love to enjoy each other’s company. Group members have similar social activities, political beliefs, religious values, or other common bonds.

► Principles of Group Dynamics

  • The Principle of Belongingness
  • The Principle of Conformity
  • The Principle of Perception
  • The Principle of Change
  • The Principle of Power
  • The Principle of a common goal
  • The principle of motivation

Principle of Belongingness

As per the principle of belongingness essential for the group members to have a strong sense of togetherness.

The feeling of belongingness helps the group members individually and collectively perform their best which helps boost the group morale. Therefore, his principle of belongingness is considered an important principle of group dynamics.

 Principle of Perception

This principle of perception is very useful for an organization, it helps in creating a common understanding among the group member regarding any changes adopted by the organization.

Principle of Conformity

The principle of conformity states that confirmation or approval from all the group members group is a general group norm.

It ensures coordination, a common direction, and the successful completion of the objectives.

Principle of Change

The principle of change is one of the basic but foremost important principles of group dynamics. This principle means that every decision in a group is bound to change at a specific point in time. Change in a group is inevitable and proper change can which is achieved through proper communication and coordination among the group members.

Principle of Common Motives

The principle of common motive means that the group members have a common motive which is the reason behind the creation of groups. If the group members have a common motive it increases the surety of the successful attainment of the pre-determined goals.

Goal Orientation

Every group is created with the aim to achieve the goal with the help of their common motive. The primary principle of the group is that they are goal-oriented and focus all their activities toward the successful completion of the task.

Principle of Power

The principle of power implies that group members should have status or power within the group so that they influence each other.

Continuous Process Principle

As the name suggests the principle of the continuous process means group functioning is a continuous process. This principle states that every group member is responsible for the continuous functioning of group tasks and functioning.