International Business Syllabus for MBA – UTU Dehradun


International Business is a subject in management study and courses like PGDM, MBA,,, BBA, ..etc. Here we have shared all the topics that are in the syllabus of International Business in the third semester of MBA (Master of Business Administration).

First of all, let’s discuss the basic things like what is International Business, the definition of International Business and its objectives, and why we study International Business. And at the last, we have shared all the units that we study in the International Business syllabus.

What is International Business?

Internation business is the process of focusing on the resources worldwide and objectives of the organizations on global business opportunities and threats in order to buy-sell, produce, and exchange goods & services on a global level.

International Business Definition

  • International business is defined as a field of management and business studies that deals with the special features of business activities that cross national borders. – Robock & Simmonds
  • International business is defined as all business transactions and deals that involve two or more nations. – Daniels & Radebaugh
  • International business is defined as transactions devised and carries out across international borders to satisfy organizations and individuals – Grosse & Kujawa

► Why do we study International Business?

  • To provide the student exposure to the dynamic environment of International Business activities.
  • To understand the impact of the global environment on the Business Operations of the company.
  • To explain the regulations, functions, and form of the global monetary system.
  • To explain the importance and role of International organizations and Regional Trade.

►International Business Syllabus

Syllabus of International Business in Masters of Business Administration – 2 Year.

Subject Name: International Business
Subject Code: MBAT 302
Course: MBA III Semester 2020-21
University: Uttarakhand Technical University
Total Credit: 3
Internal Marks: 30
External Marks: 70
Total Marks: 100

Note: This syllabus of International Business is as per MBA Academic Session 2020-21 of Uttarakhand Technical University (UTU Dehradun). And part of the New Scheme of Examination as per AICTE Flexible Curricula.

Unit I: Introduction

Nature, and Scope of International Management,
Driving and Restraining Forces,
Domestic to Transnational Business,
Modes of Entry.
– Forces,
dimensions and stages in Globalization,
Characteristics and role of MNCs.
International Business Environment –
The economic environment;
social and cultural environment,
Legal and regulatory environment,
natural environment,
technological environment.

Unit 2: International Trade Theories:

Absolute Cost theory,
Comparative Cost theory,
Factor endowment theory,
International Product life Cycles Theory,
International Investment Theories:
Theory of Capital Movements,
Market Imperfections theory;
Internationalization Theory;
Location Specific Advantage Theory;
Eclectic Theory Free Trade:
Advantages and Disadvantages,
Forms of Protection:
Import Quotas,
Voluntary Export Restraints,
Administrative Policy,
Anti-dumping Policy

Unit 3: International Marketing

Nature & significance,
International Marketing Orientations,
International Segmentation,
International Product Life Cycle
International HRM:
International Staffing Approaches,
Expatriate Management,
International LaborRelations.

Unit 4: Foreign Exchange Determination Systems

Basic Concepts Relating to Foreign Exchange,
Various types of Exchange Rate Regimes,
Factors Affecting Exchange Rates,
Brief History of Indian Rupee

Unit 5: International Institutions

Objectives and Functions of WTO,
Regional Economic Integration:
Levels of Economic Integration,
Objectives and Functions of EU,

Suggested Readings

  • Joshi, R M: International Business, OUP (Oxford University Press)
  • Hill – International Business, McGraw-Hill Edition 2. Cherunilam Francis- International Business: Text and Cases, PHI
  • Francis Cherunilam, International Trade and Export Management, Himalaya Publishing House
  • Daniels – International Business (Pearson) 4. Albaum Duerr – International Marketing
    and Export management (Pearson, 7th Ed.)

Syllabus for Other Subjects (MBA 3rd Sem)