Indian Ethos in Management Syllabus for MBA – UTU Dehradun


Management Concepts & Indian Ethos is a subject in management study and courses like PGDM, MBA,,, BBA, ..etc. Here we have shared all the topics that are in the syllabus of Indian Ethos in Management in the third semester of MBA (Master of Business Administration).

First of all, let’s discuss the basic things like what is Indian Ethos in Management, the definition of Ethos and its objectives, and why we study ethos in Management.. And at the end, we have shared all the units that we study in this subject.

What is Indian Ethos in Management?

Indian Ethos concepts in management refer to the study of values and practices that the culture of India (Shastra, Vedas, Puranas) can contribute to service, leadership, and management.

These traditional values and practices are rooted in Sanatana Dharma and have been influenced by various strands of Indian philosophy.

Ethos Definition

According to Oxford, The characteristics spirit, and beliefs of a community and people distinguish one culture from the other. Indian ethos is drawn from the Vedas, the Ramayana, Mahabharat, The Bhagwadgita, and Upnishads.

Difference between Ethos and Ethics

  • Ethos refers to is a discipline that examines one’s morality or the moral standard of society.
  • Ethics simply means expected standards in terms of your personal and social welfare. It includes honesty, morality, responsibility, etc.

► Why do we study Management Concepts & Indian Ethos?

  • Understand the Role of Indian Ethos in managerial practice.
  • Analyze the concepts of different levels of management and Managerial skills
  • Understand the functioning of Organizing & staffing.
  • Understand the Directing& Controlling in management.

►Indian Ethos in Management Syllabus

Syllabus of Management Concepts & Indian Ethos in Masters of Business Administration – 2 Year.

Subject Name: Management Concepts & Indian Ethos
Subject Code: MBAT 303
Course: MBA III Semester 2020-21
University: Uttarakhand Technical University
Total Credit: 3
Internal Marks: 30
External Marks: 70
Total Marks: 100

Note: This syllabus of Indian Ethos is as per MBA Academic Session 2020-21 of Uttarakhand Technical University, UTU Dehradun. New Scheme of Examination as per AICTE Flexible Curricula.


Role of Indian Ethos in managerial practice,
Management lessons from Vedas,
Kautilya’s Arthashtra,
Ethics Vs Ethos,
Indian Vs western Management Contemporary Issues in Management.


Management practices from past to present,
Different levels of management,
Managerial skills,
Roles & Functions,
Manager and Business environment.


The objective of planning,
planning process,
Types of planning,
Types of plans,
Corporate planning,
Management by Objective,
Decision- making- types,
process & techniques,
making decisions effective.


Organizing & staffing-
Meaning of organization,
types of organization,
Organization structure,
Span of management,
Line and staff relationship,
Centralization and
decentralization of authority,
Meaning of staffing,
selection & placement,
Training & development.


Directing & Controlling-
Principle of directing,
Essence of coordination,
Basic control process,
Different control techniques,
Management by exception.

Suggested Readings:

  • Koontz Harold & Weihrich Heinz – Essentials of Management (Tata McGraw-Hill, 5th Edition, 2008)
  • Dr. Premvir Kapoor, Principles and Practices of Management, Khanna Publishing House, New Delhi
  • Weihrich Heinz and Koontz Harold – Management: A Global and Entrepreneurial Perspective
  • James F. Stoner, R. Edward, Daniel Gilbert, Management, Pearson Education Delhi, 2008
  • L. M. Prasad – Principles and Practices of Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, 7th edition, 2007.
  • N M Khandelwal – Indian Ethos & Values for Management -Himalayan Publishing

Syllabus for Other Subjects (MBA 3rd Sem)