8 Principles of Directing


Directing is a very crucial function for any business organization, because of its importance, there are many principles of directing that help the manager in guiding and governing action which results in an increase in the efficiency of employees.

In this article, we will in detail explain what is directing and the 8 principles principle of directing in management.

What is Directing in Management?

Directing is defined as the process in which a superior or manager instruct, guide, supervise, and motivates employees so that they can achieve the predetermined goals or objective effectively and efficiently.

Directing is one of the basic perhaps most important functions of management because it links with all other functions of management like planning, organizing staffing, and controlling.

Also Read : Steps in Planning Process 

► Principles of Directing

  1. Harmony of objective
  2. Maximum individual contribution
  3. Unity of command
  4. Direct supervision
  5. Managerial communication
  6. Effective leadership
  7. Effective motivation
  8. Follow through

✔ 1. Harmony of objective – Principles of Directing

This principle of harmony of objectives states that there should be harmony between the organization’s objectives and the individual objectives of an organization. If harmony exists then there is no conflict between the organization and individual objectives.

With effective use of directing a manager could ensure harmony between employees’ objectives and the organization’s objectives which results in a high level of coordination, communication, and a decrease in conflict.

✔ 2. Maximum individual contribution

As per the principle of maximum individual contribution, mean management should adopt such a policy that maximizes individual potential and facilitate him or her to contribute more in achieving the organization’s goal.

Through the effective utilization of directing techniques, a manager helps their subordinate to realize his or her full potential and ensures that subordinates contribute maximum from their side in order to successfully accomplish the task.

✔ 3. Unity of command – Principles of Directing

As per this principle, the subordinate should receive a command from only one superior, and the subordinate should obey it.

According to Henri Fayol unity of command implies that an employee should receive orders from one superior only.

If subordinates take orders from only one subordinate then it helps to avoid confusion, and it also reduces the conflict between superiors and subordinates.

✔ 4. Direct supervision – Principles of Directing

In every organization, supervision is done by the manager so that manager can check whether employees are adhering to his instruction or not. Direct supervision ensures quick feedback and boosts the morale of the employee.

Supervision involves overseeing work being done by subordinates and ensuring that they timely and effectively achieve the target.

✔ 5. Managerial communication

As per this principle of directing, good and healthy communication between employees and management prevents miscommunication or conflicts which may hinder the functioning of the organization.

Communication is important when it comes to directing the employee. Communication is responsible for building cordial relations which superiors and subordinates.

✔ 6. Effective leadership – Principles of Directing

The main role of the manager is to adopt a suitable leadership style that matches the situation because the leadership style varies with the situation.

A manager is said to be an effective leader when he or she has such qualities that influence the behavior of his or her subordinates and team members to push themself further.

✔ 7. Effective Motivation

As per the principle of effective motivation, a manager should use appropriate motivation techniques according to the needs of employees.

First, a manager should find what is the need of an employee and then find how can be it satisfied. Managers should use some motivation tools like increasing pay, status, remuneration, assigning challenging tasks, etc so that the productivity of employees can increase.

✔ 8. Follow through 

This is the most important principle of directing according to the principle of follow through, the manager should examine the policies, procedures, and instructions, and if the manager finds any problem then he or she should take suitable action to correct this.

Major Functions of Management




