What is Human Resource Development?


Human Resource Development is all about improving the effectiveness of organizations and the individuals and teams within them by providing training and development programs. Here in this article, we have explained the meaning, definition, and methods of HRD.

► What is Human Resource Development? (HRD)

HRD is the part of HRM that specifically deals with the training and development of the employee of the organization.

HRD includes training a person after he or she is first hired, providing opportunities to learn new skills, and distributing resources that are beneficial for the employee’s task and any other development activities.

◉ Human Resource Development Meaning

HRD means a set of systematic and planned activities designed by an organization to provide its members with opportunities to learn necessary skills to meet current and future job requirements.

Learning is the fundamental principle that drives organizations toward a higher concentration on human resource development.

HR Development activities must begin when an employee joins an organization and continue throughout his or her career, irrespective of the authority and responsibility level that the person holds.

Definition of Human Resource Development

Human resource development is organized learning experiences provided by employees to bring about the possibility of performance growth or personal growth within a specified period of time. – Giley and Eggland, 1989

Human resource development is a process of developing and unleashing human expertise through personal training and organizational development for the purpose of improving performance. Swanson and Holton, 2001

Concept of HRD

Harbinson and Myers have aptly defined Human Resource Development as the process of increasing the knowledge, skills, and capacities of all the people in a country.

► Features of HRD

  • HRD is the systematic and planned approach.
  • HRD is a continuous process for the development of all types of skills of employees.
  • HRD develops the skills and knowledge not only at the individual level but also at the dynamic level, group level, and organizational level.

► Objectives of Human Resource Development

  • To develop the constructive mind and overall personality of each employee.
  • To enhance the capabilities of employees to enable them to do their present jobs and future jobs effectively.
  • To reorient the knowledge, skills, and attitude of employees to cope with the ever-changing technology.
  • To facilitates the utilization of human resources effectively through training and development.
  • To evolve and evaluate, effective systems of manpower planning so as to prevent over-staffing and wastage of human resources.
  • To formulate career advancement path for all employees to make them committed to and interested in the work.
  • To increase the motivation level of employees.
  • To develop innovative strategies to nurture better human relations aiming at the integration of people into productive work situations.
  • To create a climate that enables every employee to develop his capabilities to a fuller extent in order to further both individual and organizational goals.

► Importance of Human Resource Development

  • Develops competent workforce
  • Improve relations with employees
  • Provides an opportunity for career development
  • Enhance productivity
  • Clarify the roles
  • Policy & procedure
  • Job evaluation & grading
  • Compensation & benefits program
  • Employer brand communication & Employee engagement
  • Manpower planning,
  • Recruitment & retention
  • Succession planning & talent management

► Functions of Human Resource Development

  1. Develop the HRD philosophy for the entire organization and ensure that top management is committed to it openly and consistently.
  2. Motivate the line managers to have a consistent desire to learn and develop.
  3. Constantly plan and design new methods and systems for developing and strengthening the HRD climate.
  4. Be aware of the business/social/other goals of the organization and direct all the HRD efforts to achieve these goals.
  5. Monitor effectively the implementation of various HRD functions or mechanisms.

Functions/Methods of Human Resource Development

  • Manpower planning
  • Performance appraisal
  • Training, education, and development
  • Potential appraisal and promotion
  • Career development and career planning
  • Compensation and reward
  • Organizational development (OD) techniques
  • Role analysis and role development
  • Quality of work life

Process of Human Resource Development (HRD)

  1. Identifying Learning needs (Need Assessment)
  2. Designing HRD programs
  3. Delivering HRD programs (implementation)
  4. Evaluating HRD programs.

Must Read : Human Resource Planning (HRP)

Advantages of HRD

  • HRD develops competent human resource
  • Employ commitment
  • Job satisfaction
  • Opportunities for training and development
  • Performance improvement
  • it helps in the integrated growth of the employees.
  • It leads to greater organizational effectiveness.

Limitations of HRD

  • Can be a financial drain on resources
  • Expensive to develop or operate
  • Often takes people away from their jobs for a varied period of time
  • Equips staff to leave for a better job
  • Often along the process bad habits too get passed on
  • Narrow Experience