International Marketing Syllabus for MBA – UTU Dehradun


International Marketing is a subject in management study and courses like PGDM, MBA,,, BBA, ..etc. Here we have shared all the topics that are in the syllabus of International Marketing in the third semester of MBA (Master of Business Administration).

First of all, let’s discuss the basic things like what is International Marketing, the definition of International Marketing and its objectives, and why we study International Marketing. And at the last, we have shared all the units that we study in the International Marketing syllabus.

What is International Marketing?

International Marketing or Global Marketing is an act of buying or selling goods and services beyond the territory of a country. When a nation crosses its national frontiers to market its products and services it is indulging in international marketing.

In simple words, when two countries exchange products and services with the motive of business trade, the process is called international marketing.


Global marketing is concerned with integrating and standardizing marketing actions across a number of geographic markets. – Philip Kotler

International marketing is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods & services to consumers and users in more than one country. – Philip R. Cateora

► Why do we study International Marketing?

  • To Understand well the concept of International Marketing
  • To appreciate International Product Planning & Pricing
  • To Imbibe the understanding of International Promotion & Distribution

►International Marketing Syllabus

Syllabus of Global Marketing in Masters of Business Administration – 2 Year.

Subject Name: International Marketing
Subject Code: MBAT 322
Course: MBA III Semester 2020-21
University: Uttarakhand Technical University
Total Credit: 3
Internal Marks: 30
External Marks: 70
Total Marks: 100

Note: This International Marketing syllabus is as per MBA Academic Session 2020-21 of Uttarakhand Technical University Dehradun.

Unit 1 – Introduction to International Marketing

Scope ​
Significance of International Marketing;
International Marketing Distinguished from Domestic Marketing.
International Trade and International Business,
International Business,
International Marketing Management Process an Overview.

Unit 2 – International Marketing Environment

Socio-cultural environments;
their nature and effect on international marketing operations,
tariff and non-tariff barriers;
Generalized system of preferences (GSP),
regional economic groupings European Union(EU),
facilities and incentives for exporters.

Unit 3 – International Product

Market Selection and Entry Modes
Selection of Products,
Selection of Market,
various modes of entry into international markets and their evaluation,
export licensing franchising,
Joint venture,
setting up a wholly-owned subsidiary.

Unit 4 – International Product Planning and Pricing

Product in an international context,
Standardization vs. adoption decision,
other considerations;
branding after-sales services,
ISO 9001:2000 quality system standard,
factors influencing price,
pricing methods and processes,
price quotations and related considerations.

Unit 5 – International Distribution and Promotion

Types and functions of foreign distribution channels,
selection of middlemen,
distribution logistics- transportation and warehousing decisions, International advertising- standardization vs. adaptation,
Selection of media,
Selection of agency,
Measuring advertising effectiveness.

Suggested Reading

  • Cateroa, R, Phillip, International Marketing, Tata McGraw Hill,2006
  • Vern Terpestra, International Marketing, Cengage Learning,2010
  • RC Varshney and B.Bhattacharya, International Marketing- Indian Perspective, Sultan chand& Sons New Delhi,2006
  • Fayerweather, J, International Marketing Management, Sage Publication,2006
  • Jain Subhash, International Marketing Management, Cengage Learning,2005

Syllabus for Other Subjects (MBA 3rd Sem)