UGC NET Management Syllabus 2023


Here in this article, we have shared the UGC NET Management syllabus. The National Eligibility Test examination is conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA) on behalf of the University Grants Commission.

You can read the complete syllabus of the NET Management subject and the pdf download link is also attached at the bottom of this article.

► What is UGC NET Management Exam?

University Grant Commission (UGC) conducts National Eligibility Test (NET) Examination with the government examination agency known as National Testing Agency (NTA).

NET Exam determines the eligibility of Indian nationals for “Assistant Professor” and “Junior Research Fellowship in universities and colleges of India.

  • Before NTA as an exam controller, NET was previously conducted by CBSE in 84 subjects in 91 cities across the country until June 2018.
  • Thereafter from December 2018 onwards, the UGC-NET is being conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA).

Post Graduate Students can get Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and or Eligibility for Assistant Professorship in Indian Colleges and Universities after qualifying UGC NET Exam.

Qualifying depends on the aggregate performance of the candidate in Paper I and Paper II of UGC NET.

  • The candidates who qualify only for Assistant Professorship are not to be considered for the awarding of a Junior Research Fellowship (JRF).
  • Candidates who qualify for the eligibility test for Assistant Professorship are governed by the rules and regulations for the recruitment of Assistant Professors of the concerned universities, colleges, and state governments, as the case may be.

◉ UGC NET Management Exam Important Dates 2023

UGC-NET is conducted twice every year. Due to the postponement of the December 2021 UGC NET in view of COVID-19, the schedule of the June 2022 UGCNET has been delayed.

National Testing Agency (NTA) has merged both UGC-NET of December 2021 and June 2022 (merged cycles) in order to regularize the exam cycles. And It was conducted together in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode.

Notification Date

29 December 2022

Announcement of City of Exam CentreThe first week of February 2023
Downloading of Admit Card from NTA WebsiteThe second week of February 2023
Dates of Examination21 February 2023 to 10 March 2023
Centre, Date, and ShiftAs indicated on Admit Card
Display of Recorded Responses and Answer Key(s) To be announced later on the website Website /
Application Fee
General/ Unreserved
SC/ST/PwD / Third gender
Rs. 1100/-
Rs. 550/-
Rs. 275/-

UGC NET Management Syllabus

There are two papers in the UGC NET Examination. The first paper is common for everyone and the Second paper is core group and is chosen by the applicant.

  • Paper 1 – General Paper on Teaching and Research Aptitude
  • Paper 2 – (Core Groups Electives – 102 Subjects)

Here in this article, we are discussing Management in paper 2. This syllabus is for UGC NET Management as per the official website of NTA UGC NET.

◉ Paper 1 (General Paper on Teaching and Research Aptitude)

I Teaching Aptitude

Teaching: Nature, objectives, characteristics, and basic requirements
Learner’s characteristics
Factors affecting teaching
Methods of teaching
Teaching aids
Evaluation systems

II Research Aptitude

Research: Meaning characteristics and types
Steps of research
Methods of research
Research Ethics
Paper, article, workshop, seminar, conference, and symposium
Thesis writing: its characteristics and format

III Reading Comprehension

A passage to be set with questions to be answered

IV Communication

Barriers and effective classroom communication.

V. Reasoning (including Mathematical)

Number series
Letter series codes

VI. Logical Reasoning

Understanding the structure of arguments
Evaluating and distinguishing deductive and inductive reasoning
Verbal analogies
Word analogy
Applied analogy
Verbal classification
Reasoning Logical Diagrams
Simple Diagrammatic Relationship
Multi-Diagrammatic Relationship
Venn Diagram
Analytical Reasoning

VII Data Interpretation

Sources, acquisition, and interpretation of data
Quantitative and qualitative data
Graphical representation and mapping of data

VIII. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

General abbreviations and terminology
Basics of internet and e-mailing

IX People and Environment

People and environment interaction
sources of pollution
Pollutants and their impact on human life
The exploitation of natural and energy resources.

X. Higher Education System: Governance, Policy, and Administration

Structure of the institutions for higher learning and research in India
Formal and distance education
Professional/ technical and general education
Value education
Polity and administration
Concept Institutions and their interactions.

◉ Paper 2 (A) (Core Group – Management)

Unit I

Managerial Economics-Demand Analysis
Production Function
Cost-output relations
Market structures
Pricing theories
National Income concepts
Infrastructure – Management and Policy
Business Environment
Capital Budgeting

Unit II

The Concept and Significance of Organizational Behavior
Skills and roles in an organization
Classical, Neo-classical, and modern theories of organizational structure
Organizational design Understanding and Managing individual behavioral personality
Understanding and managing Group Behavior
Process-Interpersonal and Group Dynamics
Managing Change
Managing Conflict
Organizational Development

Unit III

Concepts and perspectives in HRM
HRM in changing environment
Human Resources Planning
Objective, Process, and Techniques of HRP
Job Analysis
Job Description
Selecting Human Resources
Training and Development
Exit Policy and implications
Performance Appraisal and Evaluation
Potential assessment
Job Evaluation
Wage Determination
Industrial Relations and Trade Unions
Dispute resolution and Grievance Management
Labour Welfare and social security measures

Unit IV

Financial Management – Nature and Scope
Valuation concepts and valuation of securities
Capital budgeting decisions – Risk analysis
Capital structure and Cost of capital
Dividend policy – Determinants
Long-term and short-term financial instruments
Mergers and Acquisitions

Unit V

Marketing Environment and Environment scanning
Marketing Information Systems and
Marketing research: Understanding consumer and industrial markets
Demand Measurement and Forecasting
Market Segmentation
Targetting and Positioning
Product Decisions
Product Mix
Product Life Cycle
New Product Development
Branding and Packaging
Pricing Methods and Strategies
Promotion Decisions
Promotion Mix
Personal Selling
Channel Management
Vertical Marketing systems
Evaluation and control of Marketing Effort
Marketing of Services
Customer Relation Management
Uses of the Internet as a marketing medium
Branding market development Advertising and retailing on the net
New issues in Marketing

Unit VI

Role and scope of production management
Facility location
Layout planning and analysis
Production planning and control
Production process analysis
Demand forecasting for operations
Determinants of product mix
Production scheduling
Work measurement
Time and motion study
Statistical Quality Control

Role and scope of Operations Research
Linear Programming
Sensitivity Analysis
Duality Transportation Model
Inventory Control
Queueing Theory
Decision Theory
Markov Analysis

Unit VII

Probability theory
Probability distributions
Normal and Exponential
Correlation and Regression analysis
Sampling theory
Sampling distributions
Tests of Hypothesis
Large and small samples
t,z,f, Chi-square tests
Use of computers in Managerial applications
Technology issues and Data processing in organizations
Information systems
MIS and Decision making
System analysis and design Trends in information technology
Internet and internet-based applications


Concept of Corporate Strategy
Components of Strategy Formulation
Ansoff’s growth vector
BCG model
Porters generic strategies
Competitors analysis
Strategic dimensions and group mapping
Industry analysis
Strategies in industry evolution
Fragmentation maturity and decline
Competitive strategy and corporate strategy
Transnationalization of the world economy
Managing cultural diversity
Global Entry Strategies
Globalization of financial systems and services
Managing international business
The competitive advantage of nations

Unit IX

Competencies and their development
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Small business concepts
Government policy for the promotion of small and tiny enterprises
Process of business opportunity identification
Detailed business plan preparation
Managing small enterprises
Planning for growth
Sickness in small enterprises
Rehabilitation of sick enterprises
Intrapreneurship (Organizational Entrepreneurship)

Unit X

Ethics and management systems
Ethical issues and analysis in management
Value-based organizations
Personal framework for ethical choices
Ethical pressure on individuals in organizations
Gender issues
Ecological consciousness
Environmental ethics
Social Responsibilities of Business
Corporate Governance and Ethics

◉ Paper 2 (B)

Elective I

Human Resource Management (HRM)
Objectives Functions
A diagnostic model
External and Internal Environment
Forces and influences
Organizing HRM function
Recruitment and Selection
Sources of Recruitment
Recruiting Methods
Selection Procedure
Selection Tests
Placement and Follow-up
Performance appraisal system
Importance and Objectives
Techniques of Appraisal System
New trends in the Appraisal System
Development of Personnel Objectives
Determining needs
Methods of training and Development program
Career Planning and Development
Concept of career
Career Planning and Development methods
Compensation and Benefits
Job Evaluation Techniques
Wages and Salary Administration
Fringe Benefits
Human Resource Records and audit
Employee Discipline
Importance Causes and forms
Disciplinary Action
Domestic inquiry
Grievance Management
Process and practices
Employee Welfare and Social Security Measures
Industrial Relations
Importance Industrial Conflicts
Dispute Settlement Machinery
Trade Union
Importance of Unionism
Union leadership
National Trade Union Movement
Collective Bargaining
New trends in Collective Bargaining
Industrial democracy and employee participation
Need for industrial democracy
Pre-requisites for industrial democracy
Employee participation
Forms of Employee Participation
Future of Human Resource Management

Elective II

Marketing concept
Nature and scope Marketing myopia
Marketing Mix
Different environments and their influences on marketing
Understanding the customer and competition
Role and Relevance of segmentation and Positioning
Static and dynamic understanding of BCG matrix and Product Life Cycle
Meaning and Role
Brand building strategies
Share increasing strategies
Pricing objectives
Pricing concepts
Pricing methods
Product basics
Augmented stage in New product developments
Test Marketing Concepts
Promotion mix
Role and relevance of advertising
Sales promotion – media planning and management
Advertising – planning execution and evaluation
Different tools used in sales promotion and their specific advantages and limitations
Public Relations concepts and Relevance
Distribution channel hierarchy
Role of each member in the channel
Analysis of business potential and evaluation of the performance of the channel members
Wholesaling and Retailing
Different types and the strengths of each one
Emerging issues in different kinds of retails in India
Marketing Research – sources of information
Data Collection
Basic tools used in data analysis
Structuring a research report
Marketing to organizations
Segmentation models
Buyer behavior models
Organizational buying process
Consumer behavior theories and models and their relevance to marketing managers
Sales function
Role of technology in automation of sales function
Customer relationship management including the concept of relationship marketing
Use of the internet as a medium of marketing
Managerial issues in reaching consumers/organizations through the internet.
Structuring and managing marketing organizations
Export Marketing – Indian and global context

Elective III

Nature and scope of Financial Management
Valuation concepts –
Risk and Return
Valuation of securities
Pricing theories-capital asset pricing model
Arbitrage pricing theory
Understanding financial statements and analysis
Capital budgeting decision
Risk analysis in capital budgeting and
Long-term sources of finance
Capital structure- Theories and Factors
Cost of Capital
Dividend Policies – Theories and Determinants
Working Captial Management – Determinants and Financing
Cash Management
Inventory Management
Receivable management
Elements of Derivatives
Corporate risk management
Mergers and Acquisitions
International Financial Management

Elective IV

India’s Foreign Trade and Policy
Export promotion policies
Trade agreements with other countries
Policy and Performance of Export zones and Export oriented units
Export incentives.
International marketing logistics:
International logistical structures
Export Documentation Framework
Organization of shipping services
Chartering practices
Marine cargo insurance
International Financial Environment
Foreign exchange market
Determination of exchange rates Exchange risk measurement
International Investment
International capital markets
International credit rating agencies and implications of their ratings.
WTO and Multilateral trade agreements pertaining to trade in goods; trade in services and TRIPS:
Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) International Trade Blocks
WTO and Dispute settlement mechanism
Technology monitoring
Emerging opportunities for global business.

► UGC Net Management Syllabus PDF Download

UGC NET Management Paper 1 Syllabus – Download

UGC NET Management Paper 2 Syllabus – Download