Management Topics in Edukedar Project


Here you will find the list of Management topics available on the Edukedar Project. We have combined articles according to their subjects in Management courses.

Human Resource


Sales Management


International Business

Common Subjects in Management

Business Communication

Business Environment

Business Law

Organizational Behaviour

Project Management

Total Quality Management

Hospitality Management

Other Articles

If you didn’t find your topic in the “List of Management Topics” then you must visit after a few days. We will Update this list as new articles will be published in the Edukedar Project.

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What is Edukedar Project?

The Edukedar Project was initiated by a few students, and now it is very popular among college students. Students are contributing to the project and enhancing their writing skills and academic knowledge.

  • We are on a mission to make education more friendly and accessible to students from all fields of study and courses.
  • Our team of scholars is doing research on how the education system of schools and colleges can be made more interesting and engaging.
  • Students and Professors are writing articles related to their academic studies by doing proper content research.
  • Edukedar Project also provides free webinar training and freelance job opportunities to college students.

Read Here:About Edukedar Project